Homeroom- Info
Student- MDCPS School Climate Survey 2022-2023
Parent- MDCPS School Climate Survey 2022-2023 (English)
Parent- MDCPS School Climate Survey 2022-2023 (Spanish)
This school year the Lunch Application was replaced by the completion of the MDCPS Income Survey Form.
Parents please complete the income survey form by clicking on the link below:
Important Information:
Honor roll will be on 12/9/2022 from 10-11 AM for grades 6-8
Important general documents for 2022-2023:
MDCPS Acceptable Use Policy Agreement (BYOD)
MDCPS Acceptable Use Policy (BYOD)
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Information
2022-2023 MDCPS School Calendar
South Miami K-8 Center Block Schedule (A, B day)
South Miami K-8 Center Bell Schedule
MDCPS Code of Student Conduct
United Way Video
Note: South Miami K-8 Center Open House will be 9/14/2022 from 6:40-8:00 PM
Mr. Lawrence's teacher website: www.eduk8.org
Mr. Lawrence's email: [email protected]
Mr. Lawrence's Open House PowerPoint PDF