Physical Education |
Begin/continue Aspen Fitness Testing Resources: P.E. Syllabus Weekly Food Diary Current Event Blank Form Current Event Directions Famous Athlete PPT Directions Videos: Healthy Habits for Life- Teen Hygiene How the Food You Eat Affects Your Brain Safe Web Surfing Teen Health: Substance Use and Abuse NHTSA Bicycle Safety Bike Safety Tips Fitting a Bicycle Helmet Rules of the Road Teen Health: Violence Prevention Conflict Resolution ✓ Empathy ✓ Getting Along ✓ Peer Pressure ✓ Self-Esteem -Introduce/Continue textbook lessons Get Active! Get Fit! A middle School Approach: Chapter 1- Just get Moving! Chapter 2- Safety for Life Chapter 3- How Fit Are You Chapter 4: Skills for Physical Activity Chapter5 Training for Fitness PE.7 L.3.1 Participate in moderate physical activity on a daily basis. Fitness Unit PowerPoint (UPCOMING) Physical Education Homework: Students are to work on their Famous Athlete PPT. Remember to always work only in Powerpoint online and always "edit in browser" when opening your Powerpoint and it will automatically save to the cloud (Due: TBD). _______________________________________________________________________ Note: Lessons/activities/homework are subject to change at the teacher's discretion. |