Civics Mid-Year Review Study Guide
Review Videos:
(you are encouraged to take notes on each video Cornell Notes Blank Form)
EOC Review Flash Cards
Remember we have not covered all material yet: Civics Mid-year Review PowerPoints:
PowerPoint Presentations:
Topic 1: What is Civics
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.9- Rule of Law
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.1-Citizenship
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.2- Citizen obligations and responsibilities
Topic 2: Foundations of Government
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.1- Enlightenment Ideas
PowerPoint SS.7.C.1.2 -(Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, and Thomas Paine’s Common Sense)
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.3- English Policies lead to U.S. Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.4- Ideas and Complaints in Declaration of Independence
Topic 3: Creating the U.S. Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.5- Weaknesses of Articles of Confederation led to U.S. Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.8 (Federalists Anti-federalists)
Topic 4: Political Participation
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.8- America's current political parties
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.9- Evaluate candidates for political office
Topic 5: Monitoring Government
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.10- Examine the impact of media, interest groups on monitoring and influencing government
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.11- Analyze media and political communication (bias, symbolism, propaganda)
Topic 6: Organization of U.S. Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.6- Intentions of Preamble of the Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.7-Constitution limits government powers (separation of powers/checks & balances)
Topic 7: Branches of Government (Articles 1-3)
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.3- Structure and function of government (U.S. Constitution Articles: 1-Legislative, 2-Executive, 3-Judicial (L-E-J))
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.8-Analyze structure, functions, and processes of the 3 branches of government
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.11- Diagram the levels, functions, and powers of courts at the state and federal levels
Topic 8: Constitutional Amendments
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.4- Evaluate rights contained in Bill of Rights and other Amendments to U.S. Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.5- Distinguish how the Constitution safeguards and limits individual rights
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.5- Explain the Constitutional Amendment Process
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.6- Evaluate Constitutional rights and their impact on individuals and society
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.7- Analyze the impact of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th amendments
(No longer available) Sample Mid-Year Test Questions by Topic Benchmark
There are 3 sample questions by benchmark (one of each: low, moderate, hard)
Topic 8 will likely have more content than any other content as it is new material.
Topic 1: What is Civics
Rule of Law: SS.7.C.1.9
Citizenship: SS.7.C.2.1
Obligations of Citizens: SS.7.C.2.2
Topic 2: Foundations of Government
Enlightenment Ideas: SS.7.C.1.1
Impact of Key Documents: SS.7.C.1.2
English Policies: SS.7.C.1.3
Declaration of Independence: SS.7.C.1.4
Topic 3: Creating The U.S. Constitution
Articles of Confederation: SS.7.C.1.5
Federalists and Anti-Federalists: SS.7.C.1.8
Topic 4: Political Participation
Political Parties: SS.7.C.2.8
Qualifications for Political Office: SS.7.C.2.9
Topic 5: Monitoring Government
Monitoring & Influencing Government: SS.7.C.2.10
Media & Political Communications: SS.7.C.2.11
Topic 6: Organization of U.S. Constitution
Preamble of the Constitution: SS.7.C.1.6
Separation of Powers and Checks & Balances: SS.7.C.1.7
Topic 7: Branches of Government
Three Branches of Government: SS.7.C.3.3
Structure, Function, & Processes of Government: SS.7.C.3.8
Court System: SS.7.C.3.11
Topic 8: Constitutional Amendments
Bill of Rights & Other Amendments: SS.7.C.2.4
Constitutional Safeguards & Limits: SS.7.C.2.5
Amendment Process: SS.7.C.3.5
Constitutional Rights: SS.7.C.3.6
13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 24th, & 26th Amendments: SS.7.C.3.7
Civics Mid-Year Review Handout (Short)
- Study Civics Mid Year Review Packet (Note: Do not study court cases yet)
- Graphic Organizers of some main ideas learned so far (Note: Do not study court cases yet)
- U.S. Constitution Summary Handout
- Kahoot Mid-Year Review
Review Videos:
(you are encouraged to take notes on each video Cornell Notes Blank Form)
- Civics EOC Review Part 1 (watch entire video)
- Civics EOC Review Part 2 (watch from beginning end at 6:52 Note: Do not study court cases yet)
- Civics EOC Review Part 3 (watch from Beginning end at 13:17)
- Civics EOC Review Part 4 (watch from 4:21 End at 10:30)
EOC Review Flash Cards
Remember we have not covered all material yet: Civics Mid-year Review PowerPoints:
PowerPoint Presentations:
Topic 1: What is Civics
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.9- Rule of Law
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.1-Citizenship
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.2- Citizen obligations and responsibilities
Topic 2: Foundations of Government
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.1- Enlightenment Ideas
PowerPoint SS.7.C.1.2 -(Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, and Thomas Paine’s Common Sense)
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.3- English Policies lead to U.S. Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.4- Ideas and Complaints in Declaration of Independence
Topic 3: Creating the U.S. Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.5- Weaknesses of Articles of Confederation led to U.S. Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.8 (Federalists Anti-federalists)
Topic 4: Political Participation
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.8- America's current political parties
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.9- Evaluate candidates for political office
Topic 5: Monitoring Government
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.10- Examine the impact of media, interest groups on monitoring and influencing government
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.11- Analyze media and political communication (bias, symbolism, propaganda)
Topic 6: Organization of U.S. Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.6- Intentions of Preamble of the Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.7-Constitution limits government powers (separation of powers/checks & balances)
Topic 7: Branches of Government (Articles 1-3)
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.3- Structure and function of government (U.S. Constitution Articles: 1-Legislative, 2-Executive, 3-Judicial (L-E-J))
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.8-Analyze structure, functions, and processes of the 3 branches of government
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.11- Diagram the levels, functions, and powers of courts at the state and federal levels
Topic 8: Constitutional Amendments
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.4- Evaluate rights contained in Bill of Rights and other Amendments to U.S. Constitution
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.5- Distinguish how the Constitution safeguards and limits individual rights
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.5- Explain the Constitutional Amendment Process
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.6- Evaluate Constitutional rights and their impact on individuals and society
PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.7- Analyze the impact of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th amendments
(No longer available) Sample Mid-Year Test Questions by Topic Benchmark
There are 3 sample questions by benchmark (one of each: low, moderate, hard)
Topic 8 will likely have more content than any other content as it is new material.
Topic 1: What is Civics
Rule of Law: SS.7.C.1.9
Citizenship: SS.7.C.2.1
Obligations of Citizens: SS.7.C.2.2
Topic 2: Foundations of Government
Enlightenment Ideas: SS.7.C.1.1
Impact of Key Documents: SS.7.C.1.2
English Policies: SS.7.C.1.3
Declaration of Independence: SS.7.C.1.4
Topic 3: Creating The U.S. Constitution
Articles of Confederation: SS.7.C.1.5
Federalists and Anti-Federalists: SS.7.C.1.8
Topic 4: Political Participation
Political Parties: SS.7.C.2.8
Qualifications for Political Office: SS.7.C.2.9
Topic 5: Monitoring Government
Monitoring & Influencing Government: SS.7.C.2.10
Media & Political Communications: SS.7.C.2.11
Topic 6: Organization of U.S. Constitution
Preamble of the Constitution: SS.7.C.1.6
Separation of Powers and Checks & Balances: SS.7.C.1.7
Topic 7: Branches of Government
Three Branches of Government: SS.7.C.3.3
Structure, Function, & Processes of Government: SS.7.C.3.8
Court System: SS.7.C.3.11
Topic 8: Constitutional Amendments
Bill of Rights & Other Amendments: SS.7.C.2.4
Constitutional Safeguards & Limits: SS.7.C.2.5
Amendment Process: SS.7.C.3.5
Constitutional Rights: SS.7.C.3.6
13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 24th, & 26th Amendments: SS.7.C.3.7
Civics Mid-Year Review Handout (Short)