World History
**ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** Technology Note: We are using Microsoft Teams in Office 365 (student portal) to enhance our digital learning. I am available school days from 12-3pm. See the link below for instructions on how to use Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams for Students- Quick Start Guide Week 10 Quarter 4 (6/1/20--6/3/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** Watch and Listen: CBS video- Space X Crew Dragon Success CNN Podcast- The Future of Education (Coronavirus) Please be sure to check your grades and post your goodbye message in our Team Room. If possible let me know what high school you are going to. Congratulations on your last week of class- I miss you all! Week 9 Quarter 4 (5/26/20--5/29/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** ---------------Monday is Memorial Day---------------- --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 8th Grade World History) Unit: Early African and American Civilizations Lesson: Mesoamerican and South American Civilizations (Graded) ---Please make up any missing Edgenuity assignments by Friday 5/29/2020 for credit. -Watch Video “Loan Basics” -Watch Video “Credit Card Debt-A Student’s Story” -Read "What Is a Bank Loan" -If possible play Monopoly with your family this weekend... Monopoly: exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices. (Source: Week 8 Quarter 4 (5/18/20--5/22/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 8th Grade World History) Unit: Roman Empire Lesson: The Achievements of the Roman Empire (Graded) -Watch Video- “Budgeting For Short-Term And Long-Term Goals ” -Watch Video- "PBS- Ways to Save" -Watch Video- "Warren Buffet Says Save Money for a Rainy Day" -If possible play Monopoly with your family this weekend... Monopoly: exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices. (Source: Week 7 Quarter 4 (5/11/20--5/15/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 8th Grade World History) Unit: Roman Empire Lesson: Daily Life in the Roman Empire (Graded) -Economics/Finance: (Not Graded) Investopedia- Human Capital U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics- Earnings and Unemployment Video- Employment Rates of Young Adults Video- College Degrees That Earn The Most Money Week 6 Quarter 4 (5/4/20--5/8/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 8th Grade World History) Unit: Roman Empire Lesson: Roman Empire at Its Height (Graded) Additional Resources: - Review Video- National Geographic Rome 101 -Financial Literacy: - Brainpop- Banking (Username and Password: smk8center) - Brainpop- Interest (Username and Password: smk8center) - The Mint- How Banks Work - The Mint- Compounding Calculator Week 5 Quarter 4 (4/27/20--5/1/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 8th Grade World History) Unit: Roman Empire Lesson: Rome Under Constatine (Graded) Additional Resources: - WATCH Have students watch the video “Silk Roads and Trade | The Story of China” by PBS Learning Media to learn about the Silk Roads that began the global network that opened up trade between China, Persia, India, and the Roman Empire. -Video Clip- “The Silk Road: Connecting the ancient world through trade” – Shannon Harris Castelo, TED Ed. Week 4 Quarter 4 (4/20/20--4/24/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 8th Grade World History) Unit: Roman Empire Lesson: Origins of Christianity (Graded) Unit: Roman Empire Lesson: Spread of Christianity (Graded) --Learning Through Video Clips: -National Geographic: Christianity --Watch Brainpop- “Mesoamerica” Username: smk8center Password: smk8center Week 3 Quarter 4 (4/13/20--4/17/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** -Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 8th Grade World History) Society in the Roman Republic (Graded) Roman Principles of Government (Graded) -This week I need all students to check in with me in Microsoft Teams through their Student Portal. Say "hello" or ask a question about an assignment. I am available from 12-3pm. See the link below for instructions on how to use Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams for Students- Quick Start Guide Learning Through Video Clips: -National Geographic: Cave Art -National Geographic: Ancient Egypt -video ”The Kush Empire” -National Geographic: Ancient Mesopotamia -National Geographic: Ancient Greece -National Geographic: Christianity -National Geographic: Machu Picchu Week 2 Quarter 4 (4/6/20--4/9/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** Day 1- WATCH the following two videos: Video 1 - Why should you vote? Video 2 - Voting Fun Facts for Students | Why we vote on Election Day? Is voting important? Email me a paragraph on the importance of voting through your official student email (5 Sentence Minimum). How to access your official MDCPS student Email: -Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto E-mail -Or Login to your student portal goto Office 365 goto Outlook Day 2- Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 8th Grade World History) Rise of Rome Day 3- Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 8th Grade World History) Society in the Roman Republic Day 4- Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 8th Grade World History) Roman Principles of Government. Day 5- Teacher Planning Week 1 Quarter 4 (3/30/20---4/2/20) Students- As I mentioned in class this week you will be starting the edgenuity Edgenuity assignments posted daily for 8th grade World History. I hope all is well! email me at [email protected] finish Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020). Day 1- Monday Edgenuity- Camp 8th grade World History Students- I hope all is well! email me at [email protected] Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) Day 2- Tuesday Edgenuity- Camp 8th grade World History Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) Day 3- Wednesday Edgenuity- Camp 8th grade World History Take an 11 minute tour of Imperial Rome 320 C.E. Day 4- Thursday Edgenuity- Camp 8th grade World History Here is an interesting read from Khan Academy on The Roman Republic Day 5- Friday Today we will be going on a virtual field trip to the Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial. A regular trip would entail doing these 3 items: 1. Watching a short 10-minute video about how and why the memorial was constructed. Holocaust-Memorial-Video 2. Touring the memorial itself. The following Tour Video was created by a tourist that was inspired by his visit and the story that the memorial told. It is a 5-minute video created from the photographic images taken of the sights of the Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial set to stirring music. 3. Meeting a holocaust survivor and hearing their tale. Well, here we have a wonderful man named Eddie Jaku. He is now a citizen of Australia and will be 100 years old sometime this month. He is known in Australia, and in some parts of the world, as “The Happiest Man Alive.” BUT HOW? How can a holocaust survivor hold this title? Listen carefully! Here is an interesting fact: Even though Mr. Jaku is Jewish, he was not originally imprisoned because of his Jewish heritage. Hear his story in this 12-minute Video Mr. Jaku TED Talk. Week 9 Quarter 1 (3/16/20---3/20/20) Day 1- Students- I hope all is well! email me at [email protected] Take an 11 minute tour of Imperial Rome 320 C.E. Review eTextbook Chapter 12 Lesson 1 The Roman Way of Life Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) Day 2- Here is an interesting read from Khan Academy on The Roman Republic. Review eTextbook Chapter 12 Lesson 2 Rome's Decline Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) Day 3- Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) -Review eTextbook 12 Lesson 3 The Byzantine Empire Day 4- Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) -Finish all Notes Chapter 12 Day 5- Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) -Finish all Notes Chapter 12 Week 8 Quarter 3 Day 1- -Brainpop- Roman Republic, Rise of the Roman Empire, Fall of the Roman Empire -Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) -Tear out workbook pages 399-416 -Introduce Roman Civilization -Read 12-1 The Roman Way of Life Begin 12-1 The Roman Way of Life (Due at the end of class) Homework: Begin Notes Chapter 12-1 Day 2- -Check workbook pgs. 401-406 12-1 The Roman Way of Life -Read Textbook pgs.348-349 (The Aeneid) -Read 12-2 Rome's Decline -Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) Homework: --Finish Notes 12-2 Notes Chapter 12 (Upcoming) Day 1- Note: Chapter 12 Quiz Next Class -Today is the last class to work on WHM PPT Project in class -Check workbook pgs. 407-412 (12-2 Rome's Decline) -Read Textbook pgs.350-357 (12-3) -Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) Homework: -Finish workbook pages 413-416 -Finish Notes 12-3 Notes Chapter 12 Days 2- -Review workbook pages 413-416 (collect) -Quiz/Test Chapter 12 -Check Notes Chapter 12 -Begin Vocabulary Chapter 13 Homework: -Finish Vocabulary Chapter 13 -Reminder Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) Week 7 Quarter 3 Day 1- -Brainpop- Roman Republic, Rise of the Roman Empire, Fall of the Roman Empire -Review Lesson 3- (The End of the Republic) -Read and discuss chapter 11 Lesson 4 textbook pgs. 328-333 (Rome Builds an Empire) -Begin workbook pages 378-382(due at the end of class) -Finish notes chapter 11-4 Homework: Finish all notes chapter 11 Review for Quiz next class- Chapter 11- Rome: Republic to Empire Day 2- -Turn in notebooks/check vocabulary and notes chapter 11 -Quiz Chapter 11 -Review Packet 11-4 -Have students pick Women's History Month Biography person from the provided list -Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) -Kahoot Review Chapter 11 (If time) Homework: Finish Vocabulary Chapter 12 Day 3- -Choose Women's History Month Biography Project Person -Begin Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/31/2020) Homework: Finish Vocabulary Chapter 12 Upcoming: -Tear out workbook pages 399-416 -Introduce Roman Civilization -Read 12-1 The Roman Way of Life Week 6 Quarter 3 Day 1- -Review Lesson 1- The Founding of Rome -Read and discuss chapter 11 Lesson 2 textbook pgs. 312-319 (Rome as a Republic) -Begin workbook pages 366-371 (due at the end of class -When finished begin notes 11-1, 11-2 -Continue PowerPoint Presentations BHM-African American Biography Projects Homework: Finish notes 11-1, 11-2 Day 2- -Review Chapter 11 Lesson 2- (Rome as a Republic) -Read and discuss chapter 11 Lesson 3 textbook pgs. 320-327 (The End of the Republic) -Begin workbook pages 372-377 (due at the end of class) -When finished begin notes 11-3 Homework: -Finish notes 11-3 Week 5 Quarter 3 Day 1- -Quiz Chapter 10 -When finished begin vocabulary chapter 11- Rome: Republic to Empire Homework: Finish vocabulary chapter 11- Rome: Republic to Empire Day 2- -Tear out workbook pages 359-382 -Introduce chapter 11 Rome: Republic to Empire (Textbook pgs. 303-305) -Class read Chapter 11 Lesson 1- The Founding of Rome (textbook pgs. 306-311) -Begin workbook pgs. 361-365 (due at the end of class) -Setup account for How the market works: (Stock Game) -Review Human Rights Video Homework: Notes 11-1 How the market works: (Stock Game) Game (Classroom) Password: law550 For your user name: first name and last name or first name and last initial (example- NicholasL) For your email: student For your password: use your same password you use for your student portal Stock Market Game Link: Week 4 Quarter 3 Day 1- -Check and review workbook pages 333-337 (Chapter 10 Lesson 2 Society and Culture in Ancient China) -Class read CH10-3 textbook pages 292-299 (The Qin and the Han Dynasties) -Begin workbook pages 338-343 Homework: -Finish Notes Chapter 10 -Review for chapter 10 quiz Day 2- Infrastructure Trial/Edgenuity -If time quiz chapter 10 -Turn in notebooks (Check CH 10 notes/vocabulary) Day 3- -Edgenuity -Turn in notebooks (Check Notes Chapter 10/vocabulary chapter 10) Homework: Chapter 10 quiz next class Week 3 Quarter 3 Day 1- -Check Notes and Vocabulary Chapter 9 (Due before lunch) -Introduce Chapter 10- Early China -Class Read 10-1 (The Birth of the Chinese Civilization) -Workbook Chapter 10-1 -Begin Vocabulary Chapter 10 Homework: Finish all vocabulary |Chapter 10 Day 2- -Check Chapter 10 Vocabulary -Check workbook pages 326-332 (The Birth of Chinese Civilization) -Read textbook pages 286-291 (Chapter 10 Lesson 2 Society and Culture in Ancient China) -Discuss -Begin workbook pages 333-337 (due at end of class) Homework: Notes Chapter 10-1 (Upcoming) -Check and review workbook pages 333-337 (Chapter 10 Lesson 2 Society and Culture in Ancient China) -Class read CH10-3 textbook pages 292-299 (The Qin and the Han Dynasties) -Begin workbook pages 338-343 Homework: Finish Notes Chapter 10 Review for chapter 10 quiz Week 2 Quarter 3 Day 1- Finish and turn in vocabulary chapter 9 (Due at the end of class) Tear out pages 283-302 Read Chapter 9 Introduction (Ancient India- Discuss) Read Chapter 9 Lesson 1 (Early Civilizations- Discuss) Read Chapter 9 lesson 2 (Religions of Ancient India) and Class continue workbook pages 285-296 When finished begin Notes Chapter 9 Homework: Finish all Notes Chapter 9 Day 2- Check Chapter 9 Lesson 1 (Early Civilizations- Discuss) Check Chapter 9 lesson 2 (Religions of Ancient India) and Read Chapter 9 Lesson 3 (The Mauryan Empire) Discuss Begin workbook pages 297-302 When finished begin Notes Chapter 9 Homework: Finish workbook pages 291-302 Finish all Notes Chapter 9 Day 3- -Check Chapter 9 Lesson 3 (The Mauryan Empire) -Finish Notes Chapter 9 -Quiz Chapter 9 -When finished begin vocabulary chapter 10 Homework: -Vocabulary chapter 9 and Notes Chapter 9 (due next class) -Finish vocabulary chapter 10 Week 1 Quarter 3 Day 1- -Collect Notes Chapter 8 -Quiz Chapter 8 -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project -Begin Vocabulary Chapter 9 Homework: -Finish vocabulary Chapter 9 -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project (Due 1/23/20) (Wednesday 1/22/20 Field Day 6-8 at 12-2pm) Day 2- -Share -Black History Month PPT Project -Introduce Chapter 9- Ancient India -Begin 9-1, 9-2 (pgs. 285-296) Homework: -Finish 9-1, 9-2 (pgs. 285-296) Week 10 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project Homework: Notes Chapter 8-3, 8-4 -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project (Due 1/23/20) Day 2- -Check/Review Chapter 8 Lesson 3- Alexander's Empire -Introduce Chapter 8 Lesson 4- Hellenistic Culture -Begin Chapter 8 Lesson 4- Hellenistic Culture (due at the end of class) Begin Notes Chapter 8-3, 8-4 -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project Homework: Notes Chapter 8-3, 8-4 -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project (Due 1/23/20) Week 9 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Introduce Chapter 8 Lesson 1- Greek Culture -Begin Chapter 8 Lesson 1- Greek Culture (due at the end of class) -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project Homework: -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project (Due 1/23/20) Day 2- -Introduce Chapter 8 Lesson 2- The Greek Mind -Begin Chapter 8 Lesson 2- The Greek Mind (due at the end of class) -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project Homework: Notes Chapter 8-1, 8-2 -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project (Due 1/23/20) Day 3- -Introduce Chapter 8 Lesson 3- Alexander's Empire -Begin Chapter 8 Lesson 3- Alexander's Empire (due at the end of class) -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project Homework: -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project (Due 1/23/20) Week 8 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Check/Review workbook pages 215-225 (L3-Greece and Persia L4- Golry, War, and Decline ) -Turn in notebooks Notes Chapter 7 -Quiz Chapter 7 (The Ancient Greeks) Homework: When Finished begin Vocabulary Chapter 8 Continue -Black History Month PPT Project Day 2- -Organize student folders -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project Homework: -Continue -Black History Month PPT Project (Due 1/23/20) Week 7 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Check and Review Chapter 7 Lesson 1 (Workbook pgs. 201-208) -Review: Rise of Greek Civilization -Read textbook pages 183-189 -Begin workbook pages 209-214 (due at end of class) Continue Selection -Black History Month PPT Project Homework: Complete Notes Chapter 7 lessons 1 and 2 Day 2- Student Fieldtrip South Miami Senior High Homework: Complete Notes Chapter 7 lessons 1 and 2 Day 3- Check and Review Chapter 7 Lesson 2 (Workbook pgs. 209-214) -Review: Sparta and Athens: City-State Rivalries -Read textbook pages 190-197 -Begin workbook pages 215-225 (L3-Greece and Persia L4- Golry, War, and Decline ) Homework: Finish workbook pages 215-225 Complete Notes Chapter 7 lessons 3 and 4 Week 6 Quarter 2 Day 1- Introduce Chapter 7- The Ancient Greeks (2000 B.C.--400B.C.) -Discuss Place and Time: Greece (2000 B.C.--400B.C.) -Read pages 174-182 -Tear out workbook pages 201-226 Begin packet Chapter 7 Lesson 1 (Workbook pgs. 201-208) (Due at end of class) Begin Vocabulary Chapter 7 Homework: Finish Vocabulary Chapter 7 Day 2- Begin Selection -Black History Month PPT Project Begin Project -Black History Month PPT Project Homework: Finish Vocabulary Chapter 7 Week 5 Quarter 2 Quiz Chapter 6- The Israelites Check all Notes Chapter 6 and vocabulary Chapter 6- The Israelites Homework: None Week 4 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Discuss My Career Shines -Review workbook pages 169-174 (CH6-1 Beginnings) -Class read textbook pgs. 148-153 (CH6-2 The Israelite Kingdom) -Work on workbook pages 175-178 Homework: Notes Chapter 6- Lesson 2 Day 2- -Review workbook pages 175-178 -Class read textbook pgs. 154-159 (CH6-3 The Development of Judaism) -Work on workbook pages 179-182 Homework: Notes Chapter 6- Lesson 3 Day 3- Begin Selection -Black History Month PPT Project -Review workbook pages 179-182 -Class read textbook pgs. 154-159 (CH6-4 The Jews in the Mediterranean World) -Work on workbook pages 183-186 Homework: Notes Chapter 6- Lesson 4 Week 3 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Students are to complete Kudler Activities Lesson 3 using the provided handout and the My Career Shines -In this activity, you will watch videos and read descriptions about three occupations that interest you. Use the following questions to begin thinking about what types of occupations you may be interested in as well as how you can learn about them. • Do you have an idea about which occupations you want to learn about today? • What are some ways that you can learn more about these occupations after today’s readings? -After lunch we will be discussing the following: • Which occupations did you research? What did you learn that you didn’t already know? • Are you still interested in pursuing one or more of these occupations? Will this affect the classes you plan to take in high school and what option you will pursue after high school? • What else can you do to learn more about these occupations? (Additional reading, job shadowing, career fairs, extended learning opportunities, enroll in sample courses, mock interviews, etc.) Homework: None (Reminder: Science Fair Project due 11/18/19) Day 2- -Students are to complete Kudler Activities Lessons 4 and 5 using the provided handout and the My Career Shines -For maximum job satisfaction, it’s important to find an occupation for which you have the skills to perform the job successfully, but also that you enjoy the work responsibilities and tasks. Use the following questions to begin to think about occupations in which you may have high interest but not much skill yet. • Do you already know some areas for which you have high interest but not much skill? • How can you become more knowledgeable and skillful in certain areas? Homework: Notebook check next week- Notes Chapter 6 (Reminder: Science Fair Project due 11/18/19) Week 2 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Students are to login and finish any incomplete work from the previous class. -Students are to complete Kudler Activities Lesson 1 using the provided handout and the My Career Shines -Today we will be looking at the following: The U.S. Department of Labor has defined approximately 1,000 occupations that exist in today’s economy. One common method of organizing them is through the 16 National career clusters, which categorizes occupations by the type of industry or service that the work provides as well as by the level of education or training needed to enter the occupations. Work from previous class: 1. MyCareerShines-Handout 2. My Career Shines Registration Objectives: 1. Students are to create a MyCareerShines Student account 2. Complete the Kuder Career Interests Assessment 3. Record top 5 choices in your journal 4. Review Careers of Interest/Top Career Choices (Growth/Salary/etc.) 5. Complete the Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment 6. Record the top 5 suggestions in your journal 7. After 2x assessments Goto "Review occupations suggested by assessment results" (Growth/Salary/etc.) When finished write 2x paragraphs in your journal. Paragraph 1- about this MyCareerShines software experience Paragraph 2- your top career choices that were given using the MyCareerShines Student software and what you see yourself doing as a career in adulthood. Day 2- -Today we will be using My Career Shines to look at options after high school: getting a job, entering the military, engaging in on-the-job training or apprenticeships, or enrolling in a two- or four-year college. -Students are to complete Kudler Activities Lesson 2 using the provided handout and the My Career Shines Week 1 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Tear out workbook pages 167-200 -Introduce CH6-The Israelites (1800 B.C. to A.D. 70) -Read and discuss Chapter 6- textbook pgs. 137-139 -Class read pgs. 140-147 (CH6-1 Beginnings) -Work on workbook pages 169-174 (due at end of class Homework: Finish all vocabulary chapter 6 Day 2- -Students are to create an account for MyCareerShines using the provided instructional handout and website: 1. MyCareerShines-Handout 2. My Career Shines Registration Objectives: 1. Students are to create a MyCareerShines Student account 2. Complete the Kuder Career Interests Assessment 3. Record top 5 choices in your journal 4. Review Careers of Interest/Top Career Choices (Growth/Salary/etc.) 5. Complete the Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment 6. Record the top 5 suggestions in your journal 7. After 2x assessments Goto "Review occupations suggested by assessment results" (Growth/Salary/etc.) When finished write 2x paragraphs in your journal. Paragraph 1- about this MyCareerShines software experience Paragraph 2- your top career choices that were given using the MyCareerShines Student software and what you see yourself doing as a career in adulthood. (Upcoming Week 2 Quarter 2) Day 1- -Review workbook pages 169-174 -Class read pgs. 147-153 (CH6-2 The Israelite Kingdom) -Work on workbook pages 175-178 Homework: Notes Chapter 6- Lesson 1 Day 2- -Review workbook pages 175-178 -Class read pgs. 154-159 (CH6-3 The Development of Judaism) -Work on workbook pages 179-182 Homework: Notes Chapter 6- Lesson 2 (Upcoming) Black History Month PPT Project Week 10 Quarter 1 Day 1- -Quiz Chapter 5 -When finished make sure all Notes Chapter 5 are completed -When all students finish quiz organize student folders Homework: Vocabulary Chapter 6 Day 2- -Kahoot Review Chapter 5 -Handout student rewards 1st 9 weeks -Career Planning Homework: Vocabulary Chapter 6 Week 9 Quarter 1 Day 1- -Students are to work on the provided handout during class. What is not finished is to be completed for homework. Day 2- -Collect any substitute packets from day 1 ----Class read Chapter 5 Lesson 3 Egypt's Empire -Begin workbook chapter 5-3 pgs.139-144 (due at the end of class) Homework: Work on Notes Chapter 5: 5-1, 5-2, 5-3 Day 3- Class read Chapter 5 Lesson 4 The Kingdom of Kush -Begin workbook chapter 5-4 pgs.145-149 (due at the end of class) Homework: -Work on Notes Chapter 5: 5-4 -Finish all vocabulary chapter 5 Week 8 Quarter 1 Day 1- Chapter 5 Introduction- Ancient Egypt and Kush (5000 B.C. – A.D. 350); Place and Time Textbook Pgs. 97-99 ---Class read Chapter 5 Lesson 1 pgs. 100-107 ---Check Chapter 4 Notes and Vocabulary ---Tear out workbook pages 125-166 ---Begin workbook pages 126-131 ---If time Present Hispanic Heritage Biography Projects Homework: Finish workbook pages 126-131 Day 2- Discuss why the geography of the Egyptian civilization was important. ---Class read Chapter 5 Lesson 2 (Life in Ancient Egypt) textbook pgs. 108-119 Discuss life in ancient Egypt and how the Egyptian pharaohs were all powerful rulers. ---Begin workbook pages 132-138 (Collect at the end of class) Homework: Make sure all Chapter 5 vocabulary is completed Week 7 Quarter 1 Day 1- (Due to internet issues Last Class- 30 minutes) -Introduce Additional College/Career Planning Website: Investigating A Career Path of Interest: In your notebook write 2x paragraphs: Paragraph 1: Write about a career path you are interested in. Identify why this path interests you as well as some specific jobs you are interested. Identify why these jobs interest you. Paragraph 2- Identify the difference of pay between an associates (2 year) and a bachelors degree (4 year). Use the internet to find out the average salary increases as more advanced degrees (Masters) and (Doctorate)
Homework: Finish Notes Chapter 4 Finish Vocabulary Chapter 4 (Last 20 pages of notebook) Day 2- -Kahoot Chapter 4 Mesopotamia -Quiz Chapter 4 Mesopotamia -When finished make sure the following are completed in your notebook:
None Week 6 Quarter 1 Day 1- -Tear out workbook pgs. 95-116 -Check Notes Chapter 3 (Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution) -Introduce Chapter 4 Mesopotamia -Begin Chapter 4 Lesson 1-The Sumerians (Due at end of class) -Continue PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) Homework: -Finish PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) Day 2- (30 minutes) -Introduce Additional College/Career Planning Website: Investigating A Career Path of Interest: In your notebook write 2x paragraphs: Paragraph 1: Write about a career path you are interested in. Identify why this path interests you as well as some specific jobs you are interested. Identify why these jobs interest you. Paragraph 2- Identify the difference of pay between an associates (2 year) and a bachelors degree (4 year). Use the internet to find out the average salary increases as more advanced degrees (Masters) and (Doctorate) -Check Chapter 4 Lesson 1- The Sumerians -Begin Chapter 4 Lesson 2- Mesopotamian Empires (due at end of class) -If time-Begin presenting PowerPoint Projects- Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) Week 5 Quarter 1 Day 1- -Tear out workbook pages 65-94 -Introduce Chapter 3- Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution -Begin workbook pages 67-72 (Due at the end of class) -Check Notes Chapters 1 and 2 -Work on PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) Homework: -Continue PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) Day 2- -Review workbook pages 67-74 -Introduce 3-2 The Agricultural Revolution -Begin workbook pages 73-78 -Continue PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) Homework: Chapter 3 Quiz Next Class -Finish Notes Chapter 3 (Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution) -Continue PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) Day 3- -Review workbook pages 73-78 -Check Notes Chapter 3 (Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution) -Quiz Chapter 3 Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution -When finished begin Chapter 3 vocabulary from textbook in the last 20 pgs. of notebook. -Continue PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) Homework: -Continue PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) Week 4 Quarter 1 Day 1- -Turn in ("Share") TIME-Line Project -Review Test Chapter 1 (What Does a Historian Do?) and Chapter 2 (Studying Geography, Economics, and Citizenship) -Begin PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project Homework: Work on Hispanic Heritage Month Project (Due 9/26/19) Day 2- -Video memorial 9/11 -Begin notebook setup -Notes Chapter 1 (Begin on notebook page 7) -Notes Chapter 2 -Continue PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) -Begin vocabulary setup next class Homework: -Continue PowerPoint Project Hispanic Heritage Biography Project (Due 9/26/19) Week 3 Quarter 1 Day 1- (Test Next Class)
Finish TIME-Line Project (due 9/4/19) will check 9/6/19 Day 2-
Homework: Work on Hispanic Heritage Month Project (Due 9/26/19) Week 2 Quarter 1 Day 1-Reminder: Classroom Materials due (8/26/19) Check and review Chapter 1- What Does A Historian Do? Kahoot Review Chapter 1
Day 2-Reminder: Classroom Materials past due
Day 3- (Test Next Class)
Finish TIME-Line Project (due 9/4/19) Week 1 Quarter 1 Day 1- Welcome back students! World History Syllabus (due) Classroom Materials (due) Day 2- Syllabus Review Review teacher website: -View artifacts: choose one artifact to write an Artifact Analysis on Workbook Introduction, Tablet Introduction, ebook introduction Look at Succeeding In Early World History workbook parts:
Workbook pages 1-15 Reading (begin questions in class) Homework: World History Syllabus (due) Classroom Materials (due)
Day 3- Baseline Exam Finish pages 3-14 Reading (begin questions in class) Chapter 1 practice test #1-10 pages 26-30 Reminder: Classroom Materials (due)
For PowerPoint Projects: Remember: Always select "Edit in browser" when working on projects: To share a file: open the powerpoint project and click "file" ---> click "share"---> choose "share with people ---> in the type box that appears type in "289130" click the "Nicholas Lawrence" contact that appears ---> Deselect the satelite box "require sign-in" ---> and click "share"
How to access your official MDCPS student Email:
Login to your student portal--> goto Apps/Services/Sites--> goto "M-DCPS Student E-mail -Or Login to your student portal goto Office 365 goto Outlook World History Syllabus Y-A-G World History Note: How the market works: (Stock Game) Game (Classroom) Password: law550 For your user name: first name and last name or first name and last initial (example- NicholasL) For your email: student For your password: use your same password you use for your student portal Stock Market Game Link: |