-Civics- the study of the rights, responsibilities, and duties of citizens/citizenship.
**ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** Technology Note: We are going to be using Microsoft Teams in Office 365 (student portal) to enhance our digital learning. I am available from 12-3pm. See the link below for instructions on how to use Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams for Students- Quick Start Guide Week 10 Quarter 4 (6/1/20--6/3/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** Watch and Listen: CBS video- Space X Crew Dragon Success NPR Audio- How the Coronavirus Pandemic is Affecting Environment. CNBC video- What the coronavirus means for business? Please be sure to check your grades and post your goodbye message in our Team Room. Congratulations on your last week of class- I miss you all! Week 9 Quarter 4 (5/26/20--5/29/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** ---------------Monday is Memorial Day---------------- --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 7th Grade Civics) Unit: The U.S. and the World ---Lesson: Global Economics and Development (Graded- Should already be done) ---Please make up any missing Edgenuity assignments by Friday 5/24/2020 for credit. video- “How I saved thousands of $$$ as a Teenager” -If possible play Monopoly with your family this week... Monopoly: exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices. (Source: Week 8 Quarter 4 (5/18/20--5/22/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 7th Grade Civics) Unit: The U.S. and the World ---Lesson: Natural Resources and Economies of the U.S. and Canada (Graded) ---Lesson: Global Economics and Development (Graded) --video- “Credit Card Debt Explained with a Glass of Water” - Brainpop- Credit Cards (Username and Password: smk8center) - Brainpop- Banking (Username and Password: smk8center) - Brainpop- Interest (Username and Password: smk8center) -If possible play Monopoly with your family this weekend... Monopoly: exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices. (Source: Week 7 Quarter 4 (5/11/20--5/15/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 7th Grade Civics) Unit: Citizens and the Political Process ---Lesson: Major Political Parties (Graded) ---Lesson: Political Party Organizations and Campagins (Graded) -Review only PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.8- America's current political parties (already in notebook) --iCivics Correlated Games: Cast Your Vote Win The White House Week 6 Quarter 4 (5/4/20--5/8/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 7th Grade Civics) Unit: Citizens and the Political Process ---Lesson:Duties and Responsibilities (Graded) ---Lesson: Citizen and Voting (Graded) -Review only PowerPoint- SS.7.C.2.2- Citizen obligations and responsibilities (already in notebook) -Read only Workbook pages 467-473 (What is Economics?, Economic Decisions) -iCivics Correlated Games: Responsibility Launcher We the Jury Week 5 Quarter 4 (4/27/20--5/1/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO/OUT OF STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 7th Grade Civics) Unit: Citizens and the Political Process ---Lesson:What is a Citizen? (Graded) ---Lesson: Citizen Right (Graded) -Review only PowerPoint SS.7.C.2.1-Citizenship (already in notebook) -Watch Citizenship Video (SS.7.C.2.1) If you have the time: Play Icivics Immigration Nation Week 4 Quarter 4 (4/20/20--4/24/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** --Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 7th Grade Civics) Community Concerns (Graded) Conservation and Ecology in the Local Community (Graded) -Video- “What is Public Policy" Review -PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.12 (Already in notebook) CPALMS SS.7.C.2.12 (Not graded but a good additional review) -Remember to goto Microsoft Teams through you Student Portal to ask a question about an assignment. I am available from 12-3pm. See the link below for instructions on how to use Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams for Students- Quick Start Guide Week 3 Quarter 4 (4/13/20--4/17/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** -Edgenuity (Students must complete all parts) : Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 7th Grade Civics) State Legislature (Graded) State Court system (Graded) -This week I need all students to check in with me in Microsoft Teams through their Student Portal. Say "hello" or ask a question about an assignment. I am available from 12-3pm. See the link below for instructions on how to use Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams for Students- Quick Start Guide -student watch the following videos: Brain Pop: “Media Literacy” Video: “Five ways to spot fake news.” Week 2 Quarter 4 (4/6/20--4/9/20) **ALL STUDENTS MUST LOG INTO STUDENT PORTAL DAILY TO VERIFY STUDENT ATTENDANCE** Day 1- WATCH the following two videos: Video 1 - Why should you vote? Video 2 - Voting Fun Facts for Students | Why we vote on Election Day? Is voting important? Email me a paragraph on the importance of voting through your official student email (5 Sentence Minimum). How to access your official MDCPS student Email: Login to your student portal--> goto Apps/Services/Sites--> goto "M-DCPS Student E-mail -Or Login to your student portal goto Office 365 goto Outlook Day 2- Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 7th Grade Civics) Florida Constitution Day 3- Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 7th Grade Civics) State Legislature Day 4- Login to your student portal goto Apps/Services/Sites goto Edgenuity (Camp Edgenuity- 7th Grade Civics) State Court system Day 5- Teacher Planning Week 1 Quarter 4 (3/30/20--4/3/20) Students- I hope all is well! All PowerPoints are already in your notebook-- Remember to complete each of the interactive CPALMS lessons and send me a picture of the completed certificate with your name on it: email me at [email protected] Students: If you are having issues with CPALMS- try doing either Thursday's assignment in Edgenuity (Camp) through your portal apps/services/sites or going on Friday's virtual tour of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Miami Beach. Day 1- CPALMS review- Preamble of the Constitution: SS.7.C.1.6 Already in notebook/Review only- PowerPoint SS.7.C.1.6 Day 2- CPALMS review- Separation of Powers and Checks & Balances: SS.7.C.1.7 Already in notebook/Review only- PowerPoint SS.7.C.1.7 Day 3- CPALMS review- Federalists and Anti-Federalists: SS.7.C.1.8 Already in notebook/Review only- PowerPoint SS.7.C.1.8 Day 4- Edgenuity (Camp) Day 5- Friday Today we will be going on a virtual field trip to the Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial. A regular trip would entail doing these 3 items: 1. Watching a short 10-minute video about how and why the memorial was constructed. Holocaust-Memorial-Video 2. Touring the memorial itself. The following Tour Video was created by a tourist that was inspired by his visit and the story that the memorial told. It is a 5-minute video created from the photographic images taken of the sights of the Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial set to stirring music. 3. Meeting a holocaust survivor and hearing their tale. Well, here we have a wonderful man named Eddie Jaku. He is now a citizen of Australia and will be 100 years old sometime this month. He is known in Australia, and in some parts of the world, as “The Happiest Man Alive.” BUT HOW? How can a holocaust survivor hold this title? Listen carefully! Here is an interesting fact: Even though Mr. Jaku is Jewish, he was not originally imprisoned because of his Jewish heritage. Hear his story in this 12-minute Video Mr. Jaku TED Talk. Week 9 Quarter 3 (3/16-20---3/20/20) Students- I hope all is well! email me at [email protected] All PowerPoints are already in your notebook-- We are just reviewing for the Civics EOC exam. Remember to complete each of the interactive CPALMS lessons: Day 1- CPALMS review- Enlightenment Ideas: SS.7.C.1.1--- Already in notebook/Review only- PowerPoint- SS.7.C.1.1- Enlightenment Ideas Day 2- CPALMS review- Impact of Key Documents: SS.7.C.1.2 Already in notebook/Review only- PowerPoint SS.7.C.1.2 -(Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, and Thomas Paine’s Common Sense) Day 3- CPALMS review- English Policies: SS.7.C.1.3 Already in notebook/Review only- PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.3- English Policies lead to U.S. Constitution Day 4- CPALMS review- Declaration of Independence: SS.7.C.1.4 Already in notebook/Review only- PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.4- Ideas and Complaints in Declaration of Independence Day 5- CPALMS review- Articles of Confederation: SS.7.C.1.5 Already in notebook/Review only- PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.5- Weaknesses of Articles of Confederation led to U.S. Constitution Week 8 Quarter 3 Day 1- -Notebook check SS.7.C.2.12, SS.7.C.3.1, SS.7.C.3.2 -20 minutes to complete video notes/CPALMS notes -PPT Notes SS.7.C.4.1- Differentiate concepts related to U.S. domestic and foreign policy. -PPT Notes SS.7.C.4.2- Recognize government and citizen participation in international organizations. Homework: Finish PPT Notes SS.7.C.4.1 Finish PPT Notes SS.7.C.4.2 Day 2- PPT Notes SS.7.C.4.3- Describe examples of how the United States has dealt with international conflicts. Begin watching Video 4- SS.7.C.4.1 -Group review quiz Homework: Review Video 4- SS.7.C.4.1 Reminder: The following PowerPoint (PPT) Notes should be completed in your notebook: SS.7.C.4.1, SS.7.C.4.2, SS.7.C.4.3 Day 3- -Workbook at home inventory Week 7 Quarter 3 Day 1- 30 Minutes- - Finish SS.7.C.2.12 Public Policy Poster Projects- Develop a plan to resolve a state or local problem by researching public policy alternatives, identifying appropriate government agencies to address the issue, and determining a course of action. (Due at the end of class) -Gallery Walk -Notes SS.7.C.3.1- Compare different forms of government (direct democracy, representative democracy, socialism, communism, monarchy, oligarchy, autocracy). Homework: Finish-Notes SS.7.C.3.1- Compare different forms of government (direct democracy, representative democracy, socialism, communism, monarchy, oligarchy, autocracy). Day 2- -Class Review CPALMS-Lesson Review SS.7.C.3.1 PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.2- Compare parliamentary, federal, confederal, and unitary systems of government. Begin C-PALMS Lesson SS.7.C.3.2 Homework: Finish C-PALMS Lesson SS.7.C.3.2 Review Video- SS.7.C.2.13 Review Video- SS.7.C.3.1, SS.7.C.3.2 Notebook check next Class SS.7.C.2.12, SS.7.C.3.1, SS.7.C.3.2 Week 6 Quarter 3 Day 1- -Introduce Topic 11: Public Policy -PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.2.12 -Handout: What is Public Policy/ Solving the Problem Homework: Finish -Handout: What is Public Policy/ Solving the Problem Day 2- -Check/Review Handout and Notes SS.7.C.2.12- Develop a plan to resolve a state or local problem by researching public policy alternatives, identifying appropriate government agencies to address the issue, and determining a course of action. -(Begin SS.7.C.2.12 Public Policy Poster Projects) Homework: Continue brainstorming poster ideas/improvements Day 3- -Introduce SS.7.C.2.13 -Finish SS.7.C.2.12 Public Policy Poster Projects (30 minutes) -Notes SS.7.C.3.1- Compare different forms of government (direct democracy, representative democracy, socialism, communism, monarchy, oligarchy, autocracy). Homework: CPALMS-Lesson Review SS.7.C.3.1 Week 5 Quarter 3 Day 1- -Collect and Watch- Video: Topic 10: Federalism -Review Benchmarks SS.7.C.1.9, SS.7.C.3.11 -Kahoot Review Homework: Begin reviewing for mini assessment #5 (2/20/20) SS.7.C.3.10 SS.7.C.3.12 SS.7.C.3.4 SS.7.C.3.13 SS.7.C.3.14 (Review/Also Assessed)- SS.7.C.1.9, SS.7.C.3.11 Day 2- Video SS.7.C.3.10 Video SS.7.C.3.12 Video: Topic 10: Federalism **Mini-Assessment #5** SS.7.C.3.10 SS.7.C.3.12 SS.7.C.3.4 SS.7.C.3.13 SS.7.C.3.14 (Review/Also Assessed)- SS.7.C.1.9, SS.7.C.3.11 Homework: None Week 4 Quarter 3 Day 1- Watch- Video SS.7.C.3.10 Begin Notes- Video SS.7.C.3.12 Homework: Finish Notes- Video SS.7.C.3.12 (Due at the end of class) Day 2- -Notebook Check: SS.7.C.3.13, SS.7.C.3.14 -Collect Video Notes- Video SS.7.C.3.12 -Begin Notes Review Video: Topic 10: Federalism -Kahoot Review Homework: Finish Video Notes- Video: Topic 10: Federalism Week 3 Quarter 3 Day 1- Notes- PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.12 Homework: Finish Notes- PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.12 (Notebook Check Next Class) Day 2- SS.7.C.3.4- Identify the relationship and division of powers between the federal government and state governments. PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.4 Homework: Finish PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.4 Watch Review Video: Topic 10: Federalism Day 3- Powerpoint notes SS.7.C.3.13 Powerpoint notes SS.7.C.3.14 Podcast: Supreme Court Case: Loving v. Virginia Homework: Finish PowerPoint Notes Powerpoint notes SS.7.C.3.13 Powerpoint notes SS.7.C.3.14 Upcoming- Podcast: Supreme Court Case: Loving v. Virginia Week 2 Quarter 3 Day 1- Introduce- Prezi- (Landmark Supreme Court Cases) Handout- Seeking the source (Types of Law) -Begin Notes SS.7.C.3.10 Homework: Finish Notes SS.7.C.3.10 (Upcoming) PowerPoint Instructions Landmark Supreme court Cases Summary Landmark Case Powerpoint Template Students will spend 1 day this week creating a PowerPoint summary of their assigned Landmark Supreme Court case. Projects will be uploaded to the teacher by the end of class. Day 2- Landmark Supreme court Cases Summary Notes SS.7.C.3.12 Landmark Supreme Court Cases Review and discuss significant Landmark Supreme Court Cases If Time- Introduce Project Landmark Supreme Court Cases PPT Homework: Finish Notes SS.7.C.3.12 Week 1 Quarter 3 Day 1- Video Review: -Collect any Civics End of Course Review Part 4 -Review Civics End of Course Review Part 1 -Review Civics End of Course Review Part 2 -Watch/Video Notes Civics End of Course Review Part 3 -Review Civics End of Course Review Part 4 (Due at end of class) -If time Kahoot Review Homework: Study Mid-Year Review for Mid-Year Assessment (1/23/2020) Study Review Packet with explanations Civics Review Test Study for Mid-Year Assessment Civics EOC Exam Flash Cards Day 2- -15 minutes Civics Mid-Year Assessment Review -All Students Turn In Notebooks -Civics Mid-Year Assessment Week 10 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Check/Review and Collect Civics Review Packet -Begin Notes Video: Bill of rights (SS.7.C.2.4, SS.7.C.2.5) Homework: Finish Notes Video: Bill of rights (SS.7.C.2.4, SS.7.C.2.5) Study for Mid-Year Assessment Civics EOC Exam Flash Card Review Day 2- Mid-Year Review for Mid-Year Assessment (1/23/2020) If time Kahoot review Homework: Study Mid-Year Review for Mid-Year Assessment (1/23/2020) Study Review Packet with explanations Civics Review Test Study for Mid-Year Assessment Civics EOC Exam Flash Cards Day 3- Video Review: Watch Civics End of Course Review Part 1 Watch Civics End of Course Review Part 2 Watch Civics End of Course Review Part 3 Video Notes- Civics End of Course Review Part 4 (Due at end of class) Homework: Study Mid-Year Review for Mid-Year Assessment (1/23/2020) Study Review Packet with explanations Civics Review Test Study for Mid-Year Assessment Civics EOC Exam Flash Cards Week 9 Quarter 2 Day 1- Notes SS.7.C.3.5 Notes SS.7.C.3.6 Begin watching Video: Bill of rights (SS.7.C.2.4, SS.7.C.2.5) Homework: Watch Video: Bill of rights (SS.7.C.2.4, SS.7.C.2.5) Finish Civics Review Packet (Due 1/9/20) Study for Mid-Year Assessment Civics EOC Exam Flash Cards Day 2- Collect Civics Review Packet answers Notes SS.7.C.3.7 Review Video-Voting Rights Amendments SS.7.C.3.7 Homework: Study for Mid-Year Assessment Civics EOC Exam Flash Card Review Study for Mid-Year Assessment Civics EOC Exam Flash Cards Week 8 Quarter 2 Day 1- A, B day Notes SS.7.C.2.4 Homework: Civics EOC Exam Flash Card Review Day 2- Notes SS.7.C.2.5 Handout- Discuss and continue Civics Review Packet Directions: Students are to underline important key words in the questions. Students must also identify any context in quotes, graphs, visuals, etc. that help answer the questions. Homework: Finish Civics Review Packet (Due 1/9/20, 1/10/20) Day 3- Handout- Discuss and continue Civics Review Packet Directions: Students are to underline important key words in the questions. Students must also identify any context in quotes, graphs, visuals, etc. that help answer the questions. Homework: Finish Civics Review Packet (Due 1/9/20, 1/10/20) Week 7 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Review Mini Assessment #4 Content: 1.6, 1.7, 3.3, 3.8, 3.1 -Kahoot Reviews Homework: Mini-Assessment #4 on 12/12/19, 12/13/19 Study for Mini Assessment #4 Review: 1.6, 1.7, 3.3, 3.8, 3.11 Powerpoint Reviews: Notes SS.7.C.1.6, Notes SS.7.C.1.7 Notes SS.7.C.3.3 Notes SS.7.C.3.8 Notes SS.7.C.3.11 Video Reviews: Video SS.7.C.1.6: Preamble of the Constitution. Video SS.7.C.1.7: Separation of powers/checks and balances. Video SS.7.C.3.3: three branches of government- Articles I, II, III -Watch Video Legislative Branch -Watch Video Executive Branch -Watch Video Judicial Branch Day 2- 25 minute review time -Review Mini Assessment #4 Content: 1.6, 1.7, 3.3, 3.8, 3.1 -Flocabulary 3 Branches Study for Mini Assessment #4 Review: 1.6, 1.7, 3.3, 3.8, 3.11 Powerpoint Reviews: Notes SS.7.C.1.6, Notes SS.7.C.1.7 Notes SS.7.C.3.3 Notes SS.7.C.3.8 Notes SS.7.C.3.11 Video Reviews: Video SS.7.C.1.6: Preamble of the Constitution. Video SS.7.C.1.7: Separation of powers/checks and balances. Video SS.7.C.3.3: three branches of government- Articles I, II, III -Watch Video Legislative Branch -Watch Video Executive Branch -Watch Video Judicial Branch Homework: None Week 6 Quarter 2 Day 1- Tear out workbook pgs. 185-218 Begin Legislative Branch workbook pgs. 185-208 If time Kahoot Review Homework: Mini-Assessment #4 on 12/12/19, 12/13/19 -Finish workbook pgs. 198-208 Day 2- -Review workbook pgs. 185-218 -Tear out workbook pgs. 220-246 Begin Executive Branch workbook pgs. 220-230 If time Kahoot Review Homework: Mini-Assessment #4 on 12/12/19, 12/13/19 -Finish workbook pgs. 220-230 Day 3- -Review workbook pgs. 220-246 -Tear out workbook pgs. 253-278 Begin Judicial Branch workbook pgs. 255-272 (finish in class) If time Kahoot Review Homework: Mini-Assessment #4 on 12/12/19, 12/13/19 Homework: Study for Mini Assessment #4 Review: 1.6, 1.7, 3.3, 3.8, 3.11 Powerpoint Reviews: Notes SS.7.C.1.6, Notes SS.7.C.1.7 Notes SS.7.C.3.3 Notes SS.7.C.3.8 Notes SS.7.C.3.11 Video Reviews: Video SS.7.C.1.6: Preamble of the Constitution. Video SS.7.C.1.7: Separation of powers/checks and balances. Video SS.7.C.3.3: three branches of government- Articles I, II, III -Watch Video Legislative Branch -Watch Video Executive Branch -Watch Video Judicial Branch Week 5 Quarter 2 Turn in - Video Notes Executive Branch Begin-Video Notes Judicial Branch (Due at the end of class) Students who finish early may go to If time Kahoot Review Homework: Study for Mini Assessment #4 Review: 1.6, 1.7, 3.3, 3.8, 3.11 Powerpoint Reviews: Notes SS.7.C.1.6, Notes SS.7.C.1.7 Notes SS.7.C.3.3 Notes SS.7.C.3.8 Notes SS.7.C.3.11 Video Reviews: Video SS.7.C.1.6: Preamble of the Constitution. Video SS.7.C.1.7: Separation of powers/checks and balances. Video SS.7.C.3.3: three branches of government- Articles I, II, III -Watch Video Legislative Branch -Watch Video Executive Branch -Watch Video Judicial Branch Week 4 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Review Notes SS.7.C.3.8 -Begin Notes SS.7.C.3.11 Homework: -Finish Notes SS.7.C.3.11 (Notebook Check Next Class) Review: -Watch Video Legislative Branch -Watch Video Executive Branch -Watch Video Judicial Branch Day 2- Check Notebooks -Notes SS.7.C.3.8 and Notes SS.7.C.3.11 -Video Notes Legislative Branch (Due at end of class) -Begin Video Notes Executive Branch Homework: -Video Notes Executive Branch Week 3 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Video Notes: Video SS.7.C.3.3: three branches of government- Articles I, II, III (Due at the end of class) Homework: Video SS.7.C.1.6: Preamble of the Constitution. Video SS.7.C.1.7: Separation of powers/checks and balances. -Video Notes: -Study for quiz SS.7.C.1.6, SS.7.C.1.7, SS.7.C.3.3 next class. Day 2- -(First 30 minutes) Study for quiz/finish video notes SS.7.C.1.6, SS.7.C.1.7, SS.7.C.3.3 -Quiz SS.7.C.1.6, SS.7.C.1.7, SS.7.C.3.3 -Begin Notes SS.7.C.3.8 Homework: Finish Notes SS.7.C.3.8 Week 2 Quarter 2 Day 1- -Discuss how the Constitution limits the the powers of government through separation of powers and checks and balances. Handout- Branching Out, Branching Out: Types of Power -PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.3 Homework: The following notes should be completed in student notebooks: Notes SS.7.C.1.6, Notes SS.7.C.1.7 Notes SS.7.C.3.3 Video Review: Video SS.7.C.1.6: Preamble of the Constitution. Video SS.7.C.1.7: Separation of powers/checks and balances. Video SS.7.C.3.3: three branches of government- Articles I, II, III -Icivics Game- Branches of Power Day 2- Begin Handout- Branching Out, Branching Out: Types of Power -Discuss how the Constitution limits the the powers of government through separation of powers and checks and balances. -PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.3.3 -Review 3 Branches Flocabulary -Kahoot Review Homework: -Quiz next class- SS.7.C.1.6, SS.7.C.1.7, SS.7.C.3.3 The following notes should be completed in student notebooks: Notes SS.7.C.1.6, Notes SS.7.C.1.7 Notes SS.7.C.3.3 Video Review: Video SS.7.C.1.6: Preamble of the Constitution. Video SS.7.C.1.7: Separation of powers/checks and balances. Video SS.7.C.3.3: three branches of government- Articles I, II, III -Icivics Game- Branches of Power Week 1 Quarter 2 Day 1- 40 minute Review for Mini-Assessment #3 Review: Notes SS.7.C.2.8 Notes SS.7.C.2.9 Notes SS.7.C.2.10 Notes SS.7.C.2.11 Review Videos: Video SS.7.C.2.8, Video SS.7.C.2.9, Video SS.7.C.2.10, Video SS.7.C.2.11 Mini-Assessment #3- 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 Homework: Watch Video SS.7.C.1.6: Interpret the intentions of the Preamble of the Constitution. Day 2- -Notebook Check 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 -Review Video SS.7.C.1.6: Interpret the intentions of the Preamble of the Constitution. -Handout- Preamble Breakdown -Notes SS.7.C.1.6 -Icivics Game- Branches of Power Homework: Finish-Notes SS.7.C.1.6 Day 3- -Review Notes SS.7.C.1.6, -Discuss/Begin Notes SS.7.C.1.7 -BeginVideo Review: Video SS.7.C.1.7: Separation of powers/checks and balances. Homework: Finish Notes SS.7.C.1.7 FinishVideo Review: Video SS.7.C.1.7: Separation of powers/checks and balances. Week 10 Quarter 1 Day 1- Review: Notes SS.7.C.2.8 Notes SS.7.C.2.9 Notes SS.7.C.2.10 Notes SS.7.C.2.11 -Pop Quiz 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 (Open Notes) -Organize Student Folders Homework: Study for upcoming Mini-Assessment 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 Review Videos: Video SS.7.C.2.8, Video SS.7.C.2.9, Video SS.7.C.2.10, Video SS.7.C.2.11 Review Notes: Notes SS.7.C.2.8 Notes SS.7.C.2.9 Notes SS.7.C.2.10 Notes SS.7.C.2.11 Day 2- -Kahoot Review -Organize student folders -1st 9 weeks rewards -Review Pop Quiz 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 Homework: Study for upcoming Mini-Assessment 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 Review Videos: Video SS.7.C.2.8, Video SS.7.C.2.9, Video SS.7.C.2.10, Video SS.7.C.2.11 Review Notes: Notes SS.7.C.2.8 Notes SS.7.C.2.9 Notes SS.7.C.2.10 Notes SS.7.C.2.11 Week 9 Quarter 1 Day 1- -Check workbook pages 334-341 -Finish packet in class 342-350 (due in 40 minutes) PPT Notes SS.7.C.2.10 Homework: Watch Video SS.7.C.2.9 Day 2- (17 Minutes in class) Review Video SS.7.C.2.9 Discuss and begin PPT Notes SS.7.C.2.11 If time Kahoot Review Homework: Watch Review Video from previous class Video SS.7.C.2.10 Review Materials for Civics Mini-Assessment #3 Notes SS.7.C.2.8 Notes SS.7.C.2.9 Notes SS.7.C.2.10 Notes SS.7.C.2.11 (Upcoming) -Discuss Student Mock Election (If available) -Discuss MDCPS Candidate mock election choices, review plank items, and platforms that they are running on (If available) Begin cornell notes Video SS.7.C.2.10 (Due at end of class) Begin cornell notes Video SS.7.C.2.11 Organize Student folders Kahoot review if time Homework: Finish cornell notes Video SS.7.C.2.11 Review Materials for Civics Mini-Assessment #3 Notes SS.7.C.2.8 Notes SS.7.C.2.9 Notes SS.7.C.2.10 Notes SS.7.C.2.11 Week 8 Quarter 1 Day 1- 7th Grade Fieldtrip- Reminder review Video SS.7.C.2.8- Political Parties Day 2- PPT Notes SS.7.C.2.9 -Tear out workbook pages 333-350 -Begin workbook pages 334-341 Homework: Finish workbook pages 334-341 Week 7 Quarter 1 Day 1- (40 minute Review)
None Day 2- Finish Mini-Assessment #2 SS.7.C.1.1, SS.7.C.1.2, SS.7.C.1.3, SS.7.C.1.4, SS.7.C.1.5, SS.7.C.1.8 -Begin Notes SS.7.C.2.8 -Discuss America's current political parties, and illustrate their ideas about government. Homework: Finish Notes SS.7.C.2.8 Watch Video SS.7.C.2.8- Political Parties (Use the provided Cornell Notes handout) Week 6 Quarter 1 Day 1- -First 20 minutes finish Notes Video review SS.7.C.1.1-SS.7.C.1.4 (watch to 8:50 only) -Review Quiz SS.7.C.1.1, SS.7.C.1.2, SS.7.C.1.3, SS.7.C.1.4 - Check Notes Video review SS.7.C.1.1-SS.7.C.1.4 (watch to 8:50 only) -Discuss/Kahoot Review SS.7.C.1.1, SS.7.C.1.2, SS.7.C.1.3, SS.7.C.1.4 -If time introduce SS.7.C.1.5 Homework: Video Introduction SS.7.C.1.5 Day 2
Finish Notes SS.7.C.1.5 Video review SS.7.C.1.1-SS.7.C.1.8 Icivics- Race to Ratify (Federalists/Anti-Federalists) Day 3-
Finish Notes SS.7.C.1.8 (Federalists Anti-federalists) Additional Resources: Video review SS.7.C.1.1-SS.7.C.1.8 Icivics- Race to Ratify (Federalists/Anti-Federalists) Week 5 Quarter 1 Day 1- Quiz Next Class on benchmarks SS.7.C.1.1, SS.7.C.1.2, SS.7.C.1.3, SS.7.C.1.4
-Notebook check next class SS.7.C.1.1, SS.7.C.1.2, SS.7.C.1.3, SS.7.C.1.4 -Review for quiz- Notes SS.7.C.1.1, SS.7.C.1.2, SS.7.C.1.3, SS.7.C.1.4 Video review SS.7.C.1.1-SS.7.C.1.4 (watch to 8:50 only) Day 2- -25 minute review for quiz- Notes SS.7.C.1.1, SS.7.C.1.2, SS.7.C.1.3, SS.7.C.1.4 - When finished begin Notes Video review SS.7.C.1.1-SS.7.C.1.4 (watch to 8:50 only) Homework: Notes Video review SS.7.C.1.1-SS.7.C.1.4 (watch to 8:50 only) Week 4 Quarter 1 Day 1- -15 minute review notes: SS7.C.1.9, SS7.C.2.1, SS7.C.2.2 -Mini Assessment on SS7.C.1.9, SS7.C.2.1, SS7.C.2.2 -When finished quietly begin PowerPoint- SS.7.C.1.1- Enlightenment Ideas Homework: Finish PowerPoint- SS.7.C.1.1- Enlightenment Ideas Finish Myself In Time PowerPoint Project (Due: 9/9/19) Day 2- Review PowerPoint- SS.7.C.1.1- Enlightenment Ideas Introduce PowerPoint Notes SS.7.C.1.2 Impact of Key Documents 10 minute video 9/11 Memorial Homework: Finish Notes SS.7.C.1.2 (Review Notebook notes SS.7.C.1.1, SS.7.C.1.2) Day 3-
Finish Notes SS.7.C.1.3 Review Notes SS.7.C.1.1, SS.7.C.1.2, SS.7.C.1.3 Week 3 Quarter 1 Day 1- Check Classroom Materials Check notes SS.7.C.1.9, SS.7.C.2.1 PowerPoint SS.7.C.2.2- Obligations of U.S. Citizens Review tablet procedures (keyboard mouse) Work on Myself In Time PowerPoint Project Homework: Finish PowerPoint SS.7.C.2.2- Obligations of U.S. Citizens Finish Myself In Time PowerPoint Project (Due 9/9/19) Play Icivics Immigration Nation Note: Mini-Assessment 1 next class Note: -Complete all PowerPoint notes: SS7.C.1.9, SS7.C.2.1, SS7.C.2.2 -Quiz next class on SS7.C.1.9, SS7.C.2.1, SS7.C.2.2 (Study Notes) -Finish Myself In Time PowerPoint Project (Due: 9/9/19) Week 2 Quarter 1 Day 1- Classroom Materials due Finish Baseline Exam (30 minute extension) Review tablet procedures (keyboard mouse intro.) Begin Myself In Time PowerPoint Project Introduce PPT SS.7.C.2.1- Citizenship Video SS.7.C.1.9- Rule of Law Homework: Watch Citizenship Video (SS.7.C.2.1) Day 2- Classroom Materials due PowerPoint SS.7.C.1.9- Rule of Law PowerPoint SS.7.C.2.1-Citizenship Continue Myself In Time PowerPoint Project Homework: Finish Myself In Time PowerPoint Project (Due 9/5/19) Watch Citizenship Obligation Video (SS.7.C.2.3) If time Play Icivics Immigration Nation Week 1 Quarter 1 Day 1- Welcome back students! Civics Syllabus due (Due) Adv./Gifted Civics Syllabus (Due Classroom Materials due (Due) Day 2- Workbook Introduction, Tablet Introduction Introduce SS.7.C.1.9 The Rule of Law Video SS.7.C.1.9- Rule of Law Day 3- Civics Syllabus Due at the end of week 1 Baseline Exam Review tablet procedures (keyboard mouse) If time introduce Myself In Time PowerPoint Project (Due 9/2/19, 9/3/19) Day 4-Classroom Materials due at the beginning of week 2 Finish Baseline Exam Begin saving pictures to your portal for Myself In Time PowerPoint Project (Due 9/2/19, 9/3/19) For PowerPoint Projects: Remember: Always select "Edit in browser" when working on projects: To share a file: open the powerpoint project and click "file" ---> click "share"---> choose "share with people ---> in the type box that appears type in "289130" click the "Nicholas Lawrence" contact that appears ---> Deselect the satelite box "require sign-in" ---> and click "share" |
How to access your official MDCPS student Email:
Login to your student portal--> goto Apps/Services/Sites--> goto "M-DCPS Student E-mail -Or Login to your student portal goto Office 365 goto Outlook Civics Syllabus Y-A-G Civics Mini Assessment/EOC Timeline Handout- Civics Notes Note: Civics EOC Exam Flash Card Review Additional Civics EOC Resources For PowerPoint Projects: Remember: Always select "Edit in browser" when working on projects: To share a file: open the PowerPoint project and click "file" ---> click "share"---> choose "share with people ---> in the type box that appears type in "289130" click the "Nicholas Lawrence" contact that appears ---> Deselect the satellite box "require sign-in" ---> and click "share" How the market works: (Stock Game) For your user name: first name and last name or first name and # 1-9999 and Last Name (example- NicholasLawrence, or Nicholas1978Lawrence) For your email: student For your password: use your same password you use for your student portal Stock Market Game Link: Technology Note: If you are having issues logging into your Office 365 account from home try the following: To access Office 365 from home- Sign in/email: (your individual student I.D.#) password: (same as student portal password) iCivics Games |