World History
World History Week 10 Quarter 4 (6/7/2021-6/9/2021)
Video Lesson 6- The Road To Financial Freedom
Continue Biz Kids Lessons:
-How to turn $100 to $1,000,000-Best of Saving and Investing
-Best of Starting a Business
6/9/2021- Last day of school- have a wonderful summer!
Watch and discuss DVD- The Human Footprint
World History Week 9 Quarter 4 (6/1/2021-6/4/2021)
Day 1, 2- A, B
Note: If you have Everfi-Venture lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4 completed with a C or better Please try the Everfi-Vault lessons
-Memorial Day Video 1, Video 2
-Make sure you have completed all 4 Everfi lessons:
Lessons 1- Building Your Budget
Lesson 2- The Entrepreneur In You
Lessons 3- Planning & Building a Business
Lesson 4- Your Business Snapshot
Introduce Biz Kid$
Video Lesson 1- Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
Video Lesson 2- College Bound
Video Lesson 3- My First Credit Card
Day 3, 4- A, B
Continue Biz Kid$
-Video Lesson 3- My First Credit Card
-Video Lesson 4- Money Really Does Grow On Trees
-Video Lesson 5- Can Money Buy Happiness
Video Lesson 6- The Road To Financial Freedom
National Geographic- The Human Footprint
-Financial Literacy:
- Brainpop- Stock Market
- Brainpop- Stocks and Shares
- The Mint- How Banks Work
- The Mint- Compounding Calculator
-Continue How the market works: (Stock Game)
World History Week 8 Quarter 4 (5/24/2021-5/28/2021)
Day 1, 2 B, A
Continue Financial Literacy Lessons
-Note Everfi Lessons 1 and 2 should already be completed
-K-W-L Money---K-W-L Interest---K-W-L Banking
-Brainpop: Money, Interest, Banking
-Continue Everfi Software
-Students go to the student portal ---> go to Apps/Services/Sites ---> Click Everfi---> Click Venture (start)---> continue where you left off
Lessons 3- Planning & Building a Business
Students finish Lessons 3- Planning & Building a Business
Continue working on My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Day 3, 4 B, A (Note: Mrs. Rodriguez will be visiting class today)
-go to the website:
---> Click login (in the upper right of screen) ---> Select "log in with Clever"
-Note Everfi Lessons 1, 2 and 3 should already be completed
-K-W-L Supply and Demand---K-W-L Credit Cards---K-W-L Mortgage---K-W-L Taxes
-Brainpop: Supply and Demand, Credit Cards, Mortgage, Taxes
-Continue Everfi Software
-Students go to the student portal ---> go to Apps/Services/Sites ---> Click Everfi---> Click Venture (start)---> continue where you left off
Lesson 4- Your Business Snapshot
Students finish Lesson 4- Your Business Snapshot
Continue working on My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Day 5 B
-Continue working on Everfi Venture andMy Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
-Note if you have Everfi-Venture lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4 completed with a C or better please try the Everfi-Vault lessons
-Memorial Day Video 1, Video 2
-Make sure you have completed all 4 Everfi lessons:
Lesson 1- Building Your Budget
Lesson 2- The Entrepreneur In You
Lesson 3- Planning & Building a Business
Lesson 4- Your Business Snapshot
-K-W-L Stocks and Shares---K-W-L Stock Market---K-W-L Recession
-Brainpop: Stocks and Shares, Stock Market, Recession
-Continue stock market game
-Make sure you have completed all 4 Everfi lessons:
Lessons 1- Building Your Budget
Lesson 2- The Entrepreneur In You
Lessons 3- Planning & Building a Business
Lesson 4- Your Business Snapshot
Finish working on My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
National Geographic- The Human Footprint
World History Week 7 Quarter 4 (5/17/2021-5/21/2021)
Day 1, 2- A, B ----------- Note: 8th FSA Science, 7th Civics EOC, 8th Algebra EOC Tests are this week ----------
Make sure all Chapter 17 e-book questions and quizzes are completed
Learn more about China:
National Art Museum of China:
A guide to China’s capital city:
Tang Dynasty – History:
The Golden Age:
Metropolitan Museum of Art – Tang Dynasty:
-Google Earth- Explore Imperial China's Forbidden City
-Review Notes Chapter 17 Imperial China
-Students who were testing continue My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Continue working on My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Day 3- A -Note: I will be administering the Civics EOC this morning.
-Continue working on My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Continue working on My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Day 4, 5- B, A ----------- Note: 8th FSA Science, 7th Civics EOC, 8th Algebra EOC Tests are this week ----------
Begin Financial Literacy Lessons
-K-W-L Budget---K-W-L entrepreneur
-Brainpop: Budgets, Debt, Comparing Prices
-Introduce Everfi software
-Students go to the student portal ---> go to Apps/Services/Sites ---> Click Everfi---> Click Venture (start)---> Watch video --->Answer Pre-Course Survey--->
-Students begin lessons 1- Building Your Budget and Lesson 2- The Entrepreneur In You
Students finish lessons 1- Building Your Budget and Lesson 2- The Entrepreneur In You
Continue working on My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
World History Week 6 Quarter 4 (5/10/2021-5/14/2021)
Note: FSA Math Test is this week ---------- I will be testing Mon. and Tues. AM
Day 1- B ----------- Note: FSA Math Test is this week ----------
-Review/notes/quiz 17-3 (The Mongols in China)
- Notes Chapter 17 Imperial China
-Continue Myself In TIME EOY Project as discussed in previous classes (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Finish quiz 17-3 (The Mongols in China)
Continue My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Day 2, 3- A, B ----------- Note: FSA Math Test is this week ----------
-Continue Chapter 17 (Imperial China)
--Review/notes/ 17-3 (The Mongols in China)
- Notes Chapter 17 Imperial China
-Introduce 17-4 (The Ming Dynasty)
-Begin ebook 17-4 (The Ming Dynasty)
Finish ebook questions 17-4 (The Ming Dynasty)
Continue My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Day 4, 5- A, B ----------- Note: FSA Math Test is this week ----------
-Review/notes/quiz 17-4 (The Ming Dynasty)
- Notes Chapter 17 Imperial China
-Quiz WH CH 17-4
-Students who were testing continue My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
-Google Earth- Explore Imperial China's Forbidden City
Make sure all Chapter 17 e-book questions and quizzes are completed by 11:59 PM Friday 5/14/2021
World History Week 5 Quarter 4 (5/3/2021-5/7/2021)
Day 1, 2- A, B ----------- Note: FSA Reading Test is this week If you are not testing today ----------
-Continue Chapter 17 (Imperial China)
--Review/notes/quiz 17-2 (Chinese Society)
- Notes Chapter 17 Imperial China
-Introduce 17-3 The Mongols in China
-Begin ebook 17-3 (The Mongols in China)
Finish ebook questions 17-3
Day 3, 4- A, B ----------- Note: FSA Reading Test is this week If you are testing today ----------
-Students who were testing begin My Future Self In TIME EOY Project as discussed in class (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Day 5- A ----------- Note: FSA Reading Test is this week ----------
-Review/notes/quiz 17-3 (The Mongols in China)
- Notes Chapter 17 Imperial China
-Continue My Future Self In TIME- EOY Project as discussed in previous classes (Due Friday, 5/28/2021)
Finish quiz 17-3 (The Mongols in China)
Learn more about China:
National Art Museum of China:
A guide to China’s capital city:
Tang Dynasty – History:
The Golden Age:
Metropolitan Museum of Art – Tang Dynasty:
Tang Dynasty and more – Totally History:
China’s New Silk Road:
World History Week 4 Quarter 4 (4/26/2021-4/30/2021)
Day 1- B
Kahoot Review CH 16: The Americas
Students take Technology Survey- End of Year
Additional Technology for CH 16:
Mayan calendar archive:
Ancient Maya:
Native Cultures:
Map of Mesoamerica:
Comparing Ancient scripts(Maya, Aztec and Olmec):
-Review- Notes Chapter 16-2
-Make sure all students have completed Quiz chapter 16-1 (The First Americans) and Quiz chapter 16-2 (The First Americans)
-Introduce My Future Self In TIME- EOY Project
Make sure all quizzes and e-book questions 16-1 and 16-2 are completed.
-For fun- Google Earth Game/Quiz- Ancient Civilizations
Days 2, 3- A, B
-Make sure all students have completed their Technology Survey- End of Year
-Look at how the world has changed-Google Earth Time Lapse 1985-2020
-Remind students that all quizzes and ebook questions for Chapter 16 should already be completed.
-National Geographic- Imperial China's Dynasties
-Introduce Chapter 17 Imperial China
-ebook reading Chapter 17-1 (China Reunites)
-Review notes 17-1 Notes Chapter 17 Imperial China
-Begin ebook questions Chapter 17-1 (China Reunites)
(Due at the end of class)
Finish ebook questions Chapter 17-1 (China Reunites)
Day 4, 5- A, B
-Make sure all students have completed their Technology Survey- End of Year
-Look at how the world has changed-Google Earth Time Lapse 1985-2020
-Discuss My Future Self In TIME- EOY Project
-Continue Chapter 17 (Imperial China)
--Review/notes/quiz 17-1 (China Reunites)
- Notes Chapter 17 Imperial China
-Introduce 17-2 (Chinese Society)
-Begin ebook questions 17-2 (Chinese Society)
-Finish ebook questions 17-2 (Chinese Society)
(Upcoming W5Q4)- Note FSA Reading Test is this week
Day 1, 2- B, A
-Students begin My Future Self In TIME- EOY Project
-Continue Chapter 17 (Imperial China)
--Review/notes/quiz 17-2 (Chinese Society)
- Notes Chapter 17 Imperial China
-Introduce 17-3 The Mongols in China
-Begin ebook 17-3 (The Mongols in China)
Finish ebook questions 17-3
World History Week 3 Quarter 4 (4/19/2021-4/23/2021)
Day 1, 2- A, B
Olmec Civilization
The Mayan Story of Creation-
Ancient Mayan City-
-Introduce the Miami Circle National Historic Landmark
-Introduce Chapter 16 (The Americas)
-Read/Discuss/Questions Chapter 16 Lesson 1 (The First Americans)
-Video Chapter 16-1
-Review- Notes Chapter 16-1
-Learn more about the Miami Circle National Historic Landmark
-Begin ebook questions Chapter 16 Lesson 1 (The First Americans)
Finish all ebook questions Chapter 16 (The Americas)
Additional Resources: National Geographic- Mesoamerica
Day 3, 4- A, B (Note:Take Your Child To Work Day is on 4/22/2021)
Changing Climate and the Mayans-
-Review/notes/quiz 16-1 (The First Americans)
-Review- Notes Chapter 16-1
-Quiz chapter 16-1 (The First Americans)
-e-Read 16-2 (Life in the Americas)
-Review- Notes Chapter 16-2
-begin ebook questions chapter 16-2 (Life in the Americas)
For Fun- Google Earth: Myths and Legends Around the World
-Finish ebook questions chapter 16-2 (Life in the Americas)
Additional Resources: National Geographic- Mesoamerica
Day 5- A
Additional Technology for CH 16:
Mayan calendar archive:
Ancient Maya:
Native Cultures:
Map of Mesoamerica:
Comparing Ancient scripts(Maya, Aztec and Olmec):
-Review- Notes Chapter 16-2
-Quiz chapter 16-2 (The First Americans)
-Introduce Myself In TIME EOY Project
Make sure all e-book questions 16-1 and 16-2 are completed.
-For fun- Google Earth Game/Quiz- Ancient Civilizations
World History Week 2 Quarter 4 (4/12/2021-4/16/2021)
Day 1- B
-Review/notes/quiz 15-1 (The Rise of African Civilizations)
-Quiz chapter 15-1 (The Rise of African Civilizations)
-Begin e-book reading 15--2 (Africa's Governments and Religions)
-Begin e-book questions 15-2 (Africa's Governments and Religions)
-Introduce notes chapter 15-2 (Africa's Governments and Religions)
History- Mansa Musa
History- 7 Influential African Empires
-Finish e-book questions chapter 15-2 (Africa's Governments and Religions)
Day 2, 3- A, B
-Review/notes/quiz 15-2 (Africa's Governments and Religions)
-Quiz chapter 15-2 (Africa's Governments and Religions)
-Begin e-book reading 15-3 (African Society and Culture)
-Begin e-book questions 15-3 (African Society and Culture)
-Introduce notes chapter 15-3 (African Society and Culture)
National Geographic- Africa: Human Geography
NPR: Amadou and Mariam- Music
-Finish e-book questions chapter 15-3 (African Society and Culture)
Day 4, 5- A, B
-Review/notes/quiz 15-3 (African Society and Culture)
-Quiz chapter 15-3 (African Society and Culture)
-PowerPoint: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Today you will be going on a virtual field trip to the Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial. A regular trip would entail doing these 3 items:
1. Watching a short 10-minute video about how and why the memorial was constructed. Holocaust-Memorial-Video
2. Touring the memorial itself. The following Tour Video was created by a tourist that was inspired by his visit and the story that the memorial told. It is a 5-minute video created from the photographic images taken of the sights of the Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial set to stirring music.
3. Meeting a holocaust survivor and hearing their tale. Well, here we have a wonderful man named Eddie Jaku. He is now a citizen of Australia and will be 100 years old sometime this month. He is known in Australia, and in some parts of the world, as “The Happiest Man Alive.” BUT HOW? How can a holocaust survivor hold this title? Listen carefully! Here is an interesting fact: Even though Mr. Jaku is Jewish, he was not originally imprisoned because of his Jewish heritage. Hear his story in this 12-minute Video Mr. Jaku TED Talk.
Make sure you have finished all e-book questions chapter 15
Introduce Myself In TIME EOY Project
Week 3 Quarter 4
-Introduce Chapter 16 (The Americas)
--Read/Discuss/Questions Chapter 16 Lesson 1 The First Americans
-Video Chapter 16-1
-Begin workbook pages 544-550 (Due at the end of class)
Finish all ebook vocabulary Chapter 16 (The Americas)
Day 2- B, A day
e-Read 16-2 (Life in the Americas)
-Collect all ebook vocabulary Chapter 16 (The Americas)
-Check workbook pages 544-550
-begin workbook chapter 16-2 (Life in the Americas)
workbook pages 551-557 (due at the end of class)
-Finish all Notes Chapter 16
-Study for Chapter 16 quiz (Will be next class)
Finish eBook vocabulary chapter 17 Imperial China
(Will not be accepted for a grade after the beginning of class)
World History Week 1 Quarter 4 (4/5/2021-4/9/2021)
(Note: In the morning I will be testing FSA Writing Grades 7 on Tuesday April 6)
Day 1, 2- A, B
-Review/notes 14-1 (A New Faith)
-Review/notes 14-2 (The Spread of Islam)
-Review/notes 14-3 (Life in the Islamic World)
-Review e-book videos 14-1, 14-2, 14-3
Quiz Chapter 14
-Finish all e-book questions Chapter 14-1, 14-2, 14-3 (Islamic Civilization)
For fun-Virtual Tour: Taj Mahal
Day 3, 4- A, B
-Make sure you have already finished the following: WH CH 14 Quiz and all e-book questions chapter 14 (14-1, 14-2, 14-3 Islamic Civilization)
National Geographic- Human Origins
National Geographic- Global Human Journey
Introduce Chapter 15- African Civilizations
-Read/Discuss/Questions chapter 15-1 (The Rise of African Civilizations)
-E-book Video- The Kingdom of Axium
-Begin e-book questions 15-1
-Introduce notes chapter 15-1
Finish e-book questions 15-1
Day 5- A
--Review/notes/quiz 15-1 (The Rise of African Civilizations)
-Quiz chapter 15-1 (The Rise of African Civilizations)
-Begin e-book reading 15--2 (Africa's Governments and Religions)
-Begin e-book questions 15-2 (Africa's Governments and Religions)
-Introduce notes chapter 15-2 (Africa's Governments and Religions)
-Finish e-book questions chapter 15-2 (Africa's Governments and Religions)
World History Week 9 Quarter 3 (3/22/2021-3/25/2021)
Day 1, 2-
-Brainpop- Money, Banks
--Review/notes 14-1 (A New Faith)
-Begin e-book reading 14--2 (The Spread of Islam)
-Begin e-book questions 14-2 (The Spread of Islam)
-Introduce notes chapter 14-2
-Finish e-book questions chapter 14-2 (The Spread of Islam)
Day 3,4-
-Review/notes 14-2 (The Spread of Islam)
-Begin e-book reading 14-3 (Life in the Islamic World)
-Begin e-book questions 14-3 (Life in the Islamic World)
-Introduce notes chapter 14-3
For fun-Virtual Tour: Taj Mahal
-Finish e-book questions 14-3 (Life in the Islamic World)
World History Week 8 Quarter 3 (3/15/2021-3/19/2021)
Day 1- B
--Review/PPT/Quiz chapter13-2 (The Early Church)
-Read/Discuss/Questions 13-3 (A Christian Europe)
-Begin e-book questions 13-3 (A Christian Europe)
notes chapter 13 lesson 3
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Begin e-book questions 13-3 (A Christian Europe)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Day 2, 3- A, B
--Review/PPT/Quiz chapter13-3 (A Christian Europe)
Kahoot Reviews
-Economics/Finance: (Not Graded)
Investopedia- Human Capital
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics- Earnings and Unemployment
Video- Employment Rates of Young Adults
Video- College Degrees That Earn The Most Money
None (Make sure WH Quiz 13-3 is turned in)
Day 4, 5- A, B
Introduce Chapter 14- Islamic Civilization
-Read/Discuss/Questions chapter 14-1 (A New Faith)
-Begin e-book questions 14-1
-Introduce notes chapter 14-1
-Discussion on U.S. Currency Denominations/Safety Features
Finish e-book questions 14-1
Day 1, 2-
e-Read Chapter 14 Lesson 2 (The Spread of Islam)
Review Chapter 14-1 Workbook pages
Begin workbook pages 476-482 Chapter 14-2
(Due at the end of class)
-Finish e-book chapter 14 vocabulary (Islamic Civilization) all highlighted e-book terms for the entire chapter (due next class)
Day 3,4-
-e-Read Chapter 14 Lesson 3 (Life in the Islamic World)
-Review Chapter 14-2 workbook pages
-Begin workbook pages 483-487
Finish all notes chapter 14 due next class
World History Week 7 Quarter 3 (3/8/2021-3/12/2021)
Day 1, 2- A, B
Video- National Geographic: Christianity 101
Introduce Chapter 13- The Rise of Christianity
-Read/Discuss/Questions chapter 13-1 (Christianity)
Begin e-book questions 13-1
notes chapter 13 lesson 1
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Finish e-book questions 13-1
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Day 3, 4- A, B
-Review/PPT/Quiz chapter 13-1 (Christianity)
-Read/Discuss/Questions13-2 (The Early Church)
-Begin e-book questions 13-2 (The Early Church)
notes chapter 13 lesson 2
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Finish e-book questions 13-2 (The Early Church)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Day 5- A
--Review/PPT/Quiz chapter13-2 (The Early Church)
-Read/Discuss/Questions 13-3 (A Christian Europe)
-Begin e-book questions 13-3 (A Christian Europe)
notes chapter 13 lesson 3
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Begin e-book questions 13-3 (A Christian Europe)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
From Jesus to the first Christians:
Christianity and Rome’s Legacy:
Birth of Christianity:
Christianity 101: National Geographic
Rome Early Christianity:
World History Week 6 Quarter 3 (3/1/2021-3/5/2021)
Day 1- B
-Read/Discuss/Questions 12-3 The Byzantine Empire
-begin e-book (12-3 The Byzantine Empire)
-Work on WHM PPT Project in class
-Notes Chapter 12
-Begin e-book questions (12-3 The Byzantine Empire)
- A Day in the Life of a Roman Soldier:
- All about the Roman Empire in the First Century:
- Mythology Guide
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Finish e-book questions (12-3 The Byzantine Empire)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Days 2, 3- A, B
-Kahoot review Chapter 12
-Notes Chapter 12
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter (12-3 The Byzantine Empire)
-Verify that all e-book questions for CH 12 are completed (12-1, 12-2, 12-3)
-Work on Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Days 4, 5- A, B
-Make sure all students login to My Career Shines with Clever from now on
-Make sure all students have completed the following Assessments:
-----Kuder Career Interest Assessment
-----Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment
-Students are to complete Kuder Activities Lesson 4 using the provided handout and the My Career Shines website
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Students are to complete Kuder Activities Lesson 4 using the provided handout and the My Career Shines website
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
World History Week 5 Quarter 3 (2/22/2021-2/26/2021)
Days 1, 2- A, B
-First 30 minutes verify selection Women's History Month Biography Project Person and work on WHM PPT Project in class
-Begin Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Read e-book feature (The Aeneid)
-Read e-book CH 12-2 Rome's Decline
-U.S. Dollar Inflation Calculator
-Notes Chapter 12
--Finish e-book questions (12-2 Rome's Decline)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Days 3, 4- A, B
-PPT Review/Discuss Chapter (12-2 Rome's Decline)
-Quiz Chapter (12-2 Rome's Decline)
-Notes Chapter 12
-Work on Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Day 5- A
-Read/Discuss/Questions 12-3 The Byzantine Empire
-begin e-book (12-3 The Byzantine Empire)
-Work on WHM PPT Project in class
-Notes Chapter 12
-Begin e-book questions (12-3 The Byzantine Empire)
- A Day in the Life of a Roman Soldier:
- All about the Roman Empire in the First Century:
- Mythology Guide
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Finish e-book questions (12-3 The Byzantine Empire)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Day 1 (See Previous week)
Days 2, 3
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter (12-3 The Byzantine Empire)
-Work on Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Notes Chapter 12
--Kahoot review Chapter 12
-Finish e-book questions (12-3 The Byzantine Empire)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Days 4, 5
World History Week 4 Quarter 3 (2/16/2021-2/19/2021)
Day 1, 2- A, B
Introduce Chapter 12: Roman Civilization (50 B.C. - 600 A.D.)
Read/Discuss 12-1 The Roman Way of Life
-Continue- How the market works: (Stock Game)
-Discuss Warren Buffet- Berkshire Hathaway
-Discuss Cathie Wood= ARK Investment (Video Clip)
-Continue - Greek/Roman Gods Project
-Additional link for your Greek/Roman Gods Summary Project:
Continue - Greek/Roman Gods Project
Finish e-book questions 12-1 The Roman Way of Life
Day 3, 4- A, B
PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 12 Lesson 1
-Continue - Greek/Roman Gods Project (due today by 11:59 PM)
-Additional link for your Greek/Roman Gods Summary Project:
-If time -Continue- How the market works: (Stock Game)
--Choose Women's History Month Biography Project Person
-Begin Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
Finish - Greek/Roman Gods Project (due today by 11:59 PM)
World History Week 3 Quarter 3 (2/8/2021-2/12/2021)
Day 1, 2- B, A
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 11 Lesson 3- (The End of the Republic)
-Read and discuss chapter 11 Lesson 4 (Rome Builds an Empire)
-Begin e-book questions chapter 11 Lesson 4 (Rome Builds an Empire)
-When finished begin notes 11-4
-Here is an interesting article about Roman Concrete and how it could be used to combat sea level rise.
-Continue- How the market works: (Stock Game)
-Finish e-book questions chapter 11 Lesson 4 (Rome Builds an Empire)
Day 3, 4- B, A
-Review Video- National Geographic Rome 101
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 11 Lesson 4- (Rome Builds an Empire)
-Review notes 11-4
-Introduce Warren Buffet- Berkshire Hathaway
-Introduce Warren Buffet's Secret Millionaires Club- Be Cool to Your School
-Begin Greek/Roman Gods Summary Project: Greek/Roman Gods Project PTT Template
-Additional link for your Greek/Roman Gods Summary Project:
-Continue- How the market works: (Stock Game)
-Presidents Day
Continue - Greek/Roman Gods Project
Day 5- B
-Presidents Day
-Continue- How the market works: (Stock Game)
-Introduce Warren Buffet- Berkshire Hathaway
-Introduce Cathie Wood= ARK Investment (Video Clip)
-Continue - Greek/Roman Gods Project
-Additional link for your Greek/Roman Gods Summary Project:
Continue - Greek/Roman Gods Project
--Choose Women's History Month Biography Project Person
-Begin Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
-Continue Women's History Month Biography Project (Due 3/15/2021)
World History Week 2 Quarter 3 (2/1/2021-2/5/2021)
Day 1- A
-Video Introduction- National Geographic Rome 101
-Introduce chapter 11 Rome: Republic to Empire
-Class read Chapter 11 Lesson 1- The Founding of Rome
-Begin e-book questions Chapter 11 Lesson 1- The Founding of Rome
-Review Human Rights Video
Notes 11-1
For fun:
- All about the Roman Empire in the First Century:
- Ancient Rome for Kids:
Finish e-book questions Chapter 11 Lesson 1- The Founding of Rome
Day 2, 3- B, A
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 11 Lesson 1- The Founding of Rome
-Read and discuss chapter 11 Lesson 2- Rome as a Republic
-Begin e-book questions chapter 11 Lesson 2- Rome as a Republic
-When finished review notes 11-1, 11-2
Finish e-book questions chapter 11 Lesson 2- Rome as a Republic
Day 4, 5- B, A
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 11 Lesson 2- (Rome as a Republic)
-Read and discuss chapter 11 Lesson 3 (The End of the Republic)
-Begin e-book questions chapter 11 Lesson 3 (The End of the Republic)
-When finished begin notes 11-3
-Finish e-book questions chapter 11 Lesson 3 (The End of the Republic)
World History Week 1 Quarter 3 (1/25/2021-1/29/2021)
Day 1, 2- B, A
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 10 Lesson 2 (Society and Culture in Ancient China)
-Review Notes Chapter 10
-Class Read 10-3 (The Qin and Han Dynasties)
-Begin e-Book questions Chapter 10-3
-Finish e-Book questions Chapter 10-3
Day 3, 4- B, A
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 10 Lesson 3 (The Qin and Han Dynasties)
-The rest of class will be dedicated to discussing some basics of economics, showing students how to trade stocks, and allowing them to make their own trades in our stock market game.
-Financial Literacy:
- Brainpop- Stock Market
- Brainpop- Stocks and Shares
- The Mint- How Banks Work
- The Mint- Compounding Calculator
-Setup account for How the market works: (Stock Game)
How the market works: (Stock Game Setup)
Stock Market Game Link:
For your user name: first name, last initial and 550
(example- NicholasL550)
For your email: leave blank
For your password: use your same password you use for your student portal with an "!" at the end
Check the box to indicate that you are a student, when it asks for your first name and last name just give first name and last initial.
Day 5- B
-Video Introduction- National Geographic Rome 101
-Introduce chapter 11 Rome: Republic to Empire
-Class read Chapter 11 Lesson 1- The Founding of Rome
-Begin e-book questions Chapter 11 Lesson 1- The Founding of Rome
-Review Human Rights Video
Notes 11-1
For fun:
- All about the Roman Empire in the First Century:
- Ancient Rome for Kids:
Finish e-book questions Chapter 11 Lesson 1- The Founding of Rome
World History Week 11 Quarter 2 (1/19/2021-1/22/2021)
Day 1, 2- B, A
-Begin Black History Month PowerPoint Presentations
-Introduce Chapter 10- Early China
-Class Read 10-1 (The Birth of the Chinese Civilization)
-Begin e-Book questions Chapter 10-1
-Finish e-Book questions Chapter 10-1
Day 3, 4- B, A
-Continue/Finish Black History Month PowerPoint Presentations
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 10 Lesson 1
-Class Read 10-2 (Society and Culture in Ancient China)
-Begin e-Book questions Chapter 10-2
-Finish e-Book questions Chapter 10-2
(Additional Ancient China Resources)
Ancient China -National Geographic Kids: National Geographic – Ancient Civilizations: A guide to China’s capital city: The first emperor of China: The three teachings – National Geographic The three doctrines: Buddhism Taoism and Confucianism in China - YouTube Know your Dynasties: TimeLine – The Story of China:
World History Week 10 Quarter 2 (1/11/2021-1/15/2021)
Day 1- A
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 9 Lesson 2- Religions of Ancient India
- Read Chapter 9 Lesson 3-
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
(due 1/13/2021)
-eBook Questions Chapter 9 Lesson 3-
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
(due 1/13/2021)
Citing Sources
Day 2, 3- B, A
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter Chapter 9 Lesson 3 (The Mauryan Empire)
-Review Notes Chapter 9
-Quiz Chapter 9-3
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project (Due 1/13/2021 by 11:59 PM)
-Finish Black History Month PPT Project (Due 1/13/2021 by 11:59 PM)
Day 4, 5- B, A
Kahoot Review CH9 Ancient India
-Martin Luther King Jr. PowerPoint/Discussion
-Brainpop- Civil Rights
-Brainpop- MLK Jr.
-Independent Review-Additional Martin Luther King Jr. Information-
-(If Time) Begin Presentations -Black History Month PPT Project
-Introduce Chapter 10- Early China
-Class Read 10-1 (The Birth of the Chinese Civilization)
-Begin e-Book questions Chapter 10-1
-Finish e-Book questions Chapter 10-1
World History Week 9 Quarter 2 (1/4/2021-1/8/2021)
Day 1, 2- B, A
Brainpop- Greek Gods, Homer
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 8 Lesson 4- Hellenistic Culture
-Review Notes Chapter 8-4
-Introduce Chapter 9- Ancient India
-Begin Chapter 9 Lesson 1- Early Civilizations
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
(due 1/13/2021)
Day 3, 4- B, A
PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 9 Lesson 1- Early Civilizations
- Read Chapter 9 Lesson 2- Religions of Ancient India
-Begin eBook Questions Chapter 9 Lesson 2- Religions of Ancient India
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
-eBook Questions Chapter 9 Lesson 2- Religions of Ancient India
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
Day 5- B
-MLK Jr. PowerPoint/Discussion
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 9 Lesson 2- Religions of Ancient India
- Read Chapter 9 Lesson 3-
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
-eBook Questions Chapter 9 Lesson 3-
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
World History Week 8 Quarter 2 (12/14/2020-12/18/2020)
Day 1, 2- A, B
Brainpop- Greek Gods, Homer
-PPT Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 8 Lesson 2- The Greek Mind
-Review Notes Chapter 8-2
-Introduce Chapter 8 Lesson 3- Alexander's Empire
-Begin Chapter 8 Lesson 3 e-book questions- Alexander's Empire
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
-Finish Chapter 8 Lesson 3 e-book questions
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
(Revised due date 1/13/2021)
Day 3, 4- A, B
-National Geographic info- Macedonia, Alexander the Great
-Review/Discuss/Quiz Chapter 8 Lesson 3- Alexander's Empire
-Review Notes Chapter 8-3
-Introduce Chapter 8 Lesson 4- Hellenistic Culture
-Begin Chapter 8 Lesson 4 e-book questions- Hellenistic Culture
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
-Finish Chapter 8 Lesson 4 e-book questions
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
(Revised due date 1/13/2021)
Day 5- A
-Brainpop- Winter Holidays, Christmas
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
(Revised due date 1/13/2021)
World History Week 7 Quarter 2 (12/7/2020-12/11/2020)
Day 1- B
Video Clip(s): Review Ancient Greece
-Review Chapter 7-4 Glory, War, and Decline
-Review Notes Chapter 7-4
-Quiz Chapter 7 Lesson 4
Begin Selection List-Black History Month PPT Project
Begin Project -Black History Month PPT Project
(Due 1/20/21)
Day 2,3- A, B
Video Clip(s): Religion According to the Ancient Greeks
-Introduce Chapter 8 Greek Civilization
-e-book video: Gods and Heroes
-Introduce Chapter 8 Lesson 1- Greek Culture
-Begin Chapter 8 Lesson 1- Greek Culture
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
-Finish e-book questions CH8-1 #1-6
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
(Due 1/20/21)
Day 4,5- A, B
Video Clip(s): Science Curiosity and Ancient Greece
-Quiz Chapter 8-1 (Greek Culture)
-e-book video: Socrates
-Introduce Chapter 8 Lesson 2- The Greek Mind
-Begin Chapter 8 Lesson 2- The Greek Mind
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
-Notes Chapter 8-1, 8-2
-Finish e-book questions CH8-2 #1-5
-Continue -Black History Month PPT Project
(Due 1/20/21)
World History Week 6 Quarter 2 (11/30/2020-12/4/2020)
Day 1, 2- A, B
-Review CH7-2: Sparta and Athens: City-State Rivalries
-Review Notes Chapter 7-2
-Quiz Chapter 7 Lesson 2
-Class Read/Begin e-Book Questions Chapter 7 Lesson 3-Greece and Persia
Finish e-Book Questions Chapter 7 Lesson 3-Greece and Persia
Day 3, 4- A, B
-Review Chapter 7 Lesson 3-Greece and Persia
-Review Notes Chapter 7-3
-Quiz Chapter 7 Lesson 3
-Class Read/Begin e-Book Chapter 7 Lesson 4- Glory, War, and Decline
Finish e-Book Chapter 7 Lesson 4- Glory, War, and Decline
Day 5- A
-Review Chapter 7-4 Glory, War, and Decline
-Review Notes Chapter 7-4
-Quiz Chapter 7 Lesson 4
Begin Selection List-Black History Month PPT Project
Begin Project -Black History Month PPT Project
(Due 1/20/21)
World History Week 5 Quarter 2 (11/23/2020-11/24/2020)
Day 1, 2- A, B
Powerpoint Review Chapter 7-1 (The Rise of Greek Civilization)
Quiz Chapter 7 Lesson 1 (The Rise of Greek Civilization)
Introduce Chapter 7 Lesson 2- Sparta and Athens: City-State Rivalries
Student Notes Chapter 7
Begin e-book questions 7-2
Finish e-book questions 7-2
For Fun: Acropolis Virtual Tour
For Fun: Learn more about Ancient Greece
World History Week 4 Quarter 2 (11/16/2020-11/20/2020)
Day 1-B
-Video-CH6- Israelites MDCPS Youtube -
-Quiz (CH6-2 The Israelite Kingdom)
-Class read (CH6-3 The Development of Judaism and CH6-4 The Jews in the Mediterranean World)
-Work on e-book questions chapter 6-3, 6-4
-Review Notes Chapter 6
Finish e-book questions chapter 6-3, 6-4
Day 2,3- A, B
-Review PowerPoint- The Israelites
-Review Notes Chapter 6
-Quiz 6-3, 6-4
-Today we will be using My Career Shines to look at options after high school: getting a job, entering the military, engaging in on-the-job training or apprenticeships, or enrolling in a two- or four-year college.
-Students are to complete Kudler Activities Lesson 2 using the provided handout and the My Career Shines website
Finish Kudler Activities Lesson 2 using the provided handout and the My Career Shines
Day 4, 5- A, B
-Check student progress/completion regarding Kudler Activities Lesson 2
-Video- History 101-Ancient Greece
-Introduce Chapter 7- The Ancient Greeks (2000 B.C.--400B.C.)
-Discuss Place and Time: Greece (2000 B.C.--400B.C.)
-Read e-book 7-1 (The Rise of Greek Civilization)
Begin e-book questions 7-1
Student Notes Chapter 7
Finish e-book questions 7-1
For Fun: Acropolis Virtual Tour
World History Week 3 Quarter 2 (11/9/2020-11/13/2020) Reminder- No school on Wednesday 11/11/2020 Note: 11/9/2020- School Canceled
Day 1-A, B
-Discuss My Career Shines Lesson 1
-Discuss Class Notebook successes/failures (P3, P5 Discuss career interests)
--PowerPoint review (slides 1-9)
-Class read (CH6-2 The Israelite Kingdom)
-Begin e-book questions 6-2
-Introduce Notes Chapter 6
Finish e-book questions 6-2
Day 2-A
-Video-CH6- Israelites MDCPS Youtube -
-Quiz (CH6-2 The Israelite Kingdom)
-Class read (CH6-3 The Development of Judaism and CH6-4 The Jews in the Mediterranean World)
-Work on e-book questions chapter 6-3, 6-4
-Review Notes Chapter 6
Finish e-book questions chapter 6-3, 6-4
-Introduce Black History Month PowerPoint Project
Begin Selection -Black History Month PPT Project
World History Week 2 Quarter 2 (11/2/2020-11/6/2020) Reminder- No school on Tuesday 11/3/2020
Day 1, 2- B, A
-Make sure all students turn in the My Career Shines (Kudler) Assignment Part 1----- Note: Allow period 5 additional time if needed
-(Check for results) Student Mock Election- Students feel free to use the internet to look up candidates, Florida Amendments, etc. as you participate in the student mock election.
Our school is South Miami K-8 Center and our school's mail code is 5241
-Check current status of official election results
-PowerPoint Review previous chapter- Ancient Egypt and Kush (If time Kahoot)
-Introduce CH6-The Israelites (1800 B.C. to A.D. 70)
-Read and discuss Chapter 6- Introduction
-Class read Chapter 6 Lesson 1- Beginnings
-Finish Chapter 6 Lesson 1 eBook Questions #1-6
Day 3, 4- B, A
-Quiz Chapter 6 Lesson 1 The Israelites (1800 B.C. to A.D. 70) / Beginnings
-Students are to login to My Career Shines website and finish any incomplete work from the previous class.
-Note: Career Interest Assessment and Skills Confidence Assessment must be completed prior to beginning activity 1
-PPT Review Chapter 6- The Israelites Lesson 1- Beginnings
-Students are to complete My Career Shines- Lesson 1 using the Assignment in MS Teams.
-Today we will be looking at the following: The U.S. Department of Labor has defined approximately 1,000 occupations that exist in today’s economy. One common method of organizing them is through the 16 National career clusters, which categorizes occupations by the type of industry or service that the work provides as well as by the level of education or training needed to enter the occupations.
World History Week 1 Quarter 2 (10/26/20-10/30/20)
Day 1, 2- A, B
-Visit from counselor- Mrs. Rodriguez
(Students- Make sure you turn in your Democrats vs Republicans PowerPoint)
-Quiz Chapter 5-3 Egypt's Empire
-Class read Chapter 5 Lesson 4 The Kingdom of Kush
-Video Clip-The Rise of Kush
(Students- Make sure you turn in your Democrats vs Republicans PowerPoint today)
(Students- Make sure you have already completed your e-Book Chapter 5 Lesson 3 #1-6)
-Finish e-Book Chapter 5 Lesson 4 #1-6
Day 3- A
-Visit from counselor- Mrs. Rodriguez to discuss Magnet High School Application process
Magnet High School Application
Magnet High School PowerPoint
-Quiz Chapter Chapter 5 Lesson 4 The Kingdom of Kush
-PowerPoint Review- Ancient Egypt and Kush
Day 4, 5- B, A
-Student Mock Election- Students feel free to use the internet to look up candidates, Florida Amendments, etc. as you participate in the student mock election.
Our school is South Miami K-8 Center and our school's mail code is 5241
-Students are to create an account for MyCareerShines using 1. the provided instructional handout and 2. the provided website:
Please make your account with the following login credentials:
1. MyCareerShines-Handout
Please make your account with the following login credentials:
Username: Last name and first 3 letters of first name
Password: Same as your student portal password
2. My Career Shines Registration
1. Students are to create a MyCareerShines Student account
2. Complete the Kuder Career Interests Assessment
3. Record top 5 choices in your MS Forms My Career Shines (Kudler) Journal document
4. Review Careers of Interest/Top Career Choices (Growth/Salary/etc.)
5. Complete the Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment
6. Record the top 5 suggestions in your MS Forms My Career Shines (Kudler) Journal document
7. After 2x assessments Goto "Review occupations suggested by assessment results" (Growth/Salary/etc.)
For periods 4 and 6 only:
When finished write a paragraph in your MS Forms My Career Shines (Kudler) Journal document .
Paragraph 1- your top career choices that were given using the MyCareerShines Student software and what you see yourself doing as a career in adulthood.
World History (10/19/20-10/22/20)
Day 1-
Quiz Chapter 5 Lesson 2: Life In Ancient Egypt (due by end of class)
Introduce Chapter 5-3 Egypt's Empire
Video Clip- Hatshepsut
Begin PowerPoint Introduction Ancient Egypt
Chapter 5 Lesson 3 eBook Review Questions #1-6
For Fun:
-Harvard- Pyramids of Giza
(Check out "Explore" and "Giza 3D")
-Google Fabricius- Learn about Hieroglyphics with Google
-Ancient Egypt Life After Death-
Day 2, 3- B,A
Begin reviewing presidential candidates for student mock election
Begin reviewing presidential candidates for student mock election
-Powerpoint-Democrats Vs Republicans
Use the the official websites to research and and summarize the Democratic and Republican stance on the important political party issues listed (scroll to bottom of websites and look at "issues"):
Day 4- B
Finish reviewing presidential candidates for student mock election (See above)
Sample General Election Ballot 2020 (Miami-Dade)
Note: The final Presidential Debate is on at 9pm 10/22/2020
World History (10/12/20-10/16/20)
Day 1,2- B,A
Video- Ancient Egypt 101
Reminder Hispanic Heritage Biography Project should be turned in
Introduce Chapter 5- Ancient Egypt and Kush
Introduce Chapter 5-1 The Nile River
Video Clip- The Flooding of the Nile
Chapter 5 Lesson 1 eBook Review Questions- #1-6
Day 3,4- B,A
Quiz Chapter 5-1 The Nile River (due by end of class)
Introduce Chapter 5-2 Life In Ancient Egypt
Video Clip- Egyptian Art and Customs
Read Chapter 5 Lesson 2: Life In Ancient Egypt
Chapter 5 Lesson 2 eBook Review Questions- #1-6
Day 5-
Quiz Chapter 5 Lesson 2: Life In Ancient Egypt (due by end of class)
Introduce Chapter 5-3 Egypt's Empire
Video Clip- Hatshepsut
Begin PowerPoint Introduction Ancient Egypt
Chapter 5 Lesson 3 eBook Review Questions #1-6
For Fun:
-Begin virtual tours of Egypt
3-D Virtual tours of Egypt:
-Harvard- Pyramids of Giza
(Check out "Explore" and "Giza 3D")
-Google Fabricius- Learn about Hieroglyphics with Google
-Ancient Egypt Life After Death-
World History (10/05/20-10/9/20)
Day 1- A
Introduce Chapter 4- Mesopotamia
Video Clip- Mesopotamia
Read Chapter 4-1 The Sumerians
Home Learning: Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
Chapter 4 Lesson 1 Reading Questions #1-6
Day 2, 3- B, A
PPT Review Chapter 4-1 The Sumerians (slides #1-6)
Read e-book Feature "The Epic of Gilgamesh"
Introduce Chapter 4-2 Mesopotamian Empires
Video Clip- Military strength of Assyrians
Home Learning: Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
Chapter 4 Lesson 2 Reading Questions #1-6
Day 4, 5- B, A
Chapter 4- Mesopotamia PowerPoint Review
Kahoot Review Chapter 4- Mesopotamia
Quiz Chapter 4- Mesopotamia
Home Learning: Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
World History (9/29/20-10/2/20)
Day 1, 2- A, B
Review PowerPoint: PPT Chapter 3
Kahoot Chapter 3
MS Forms Chapter 3 Quiz
Home Learning: Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
Day 3,4- A, B Note: No school Friday due to teacher planning
Introduce Chapter 4- Mesopotamia
Video Clip- Mesopotamia
Read Chapter 4-1 The Sumerians
Home Learning: Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
Chapter 4 Lesson 1 Reading Questions #1-6
World History (9/21/20-9/25/20)
Day 1- A
Class Present TIME-Line Project
Teacher available to help with Hispanic Heritage Biography Project
Home Learning: Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
Day 2,3- B,A
Introduce Chapter 3- Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution
Read Chapter 3 Lesson 1- Hunter Gatherers
PowerPoint: PPT Introduction Chapter 3
Complete- Mr. Lawrence's Digital Survey
Home Learning: Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
Day 4,5- B,A
All students must complete- Mr. Lawrence's Digital Survey
Read Chapter 3 Lesson 2- The Agricultural Revolution
Kahoot Chapter 3
Study for (Upcoming) MS Forms Chapter 3 Quiz
Home Learning: Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
World History (9/14/20-9/18/20)
Day 1- B, A
Introduce students to our e-textbook in the Student Portal--------Discovering Our Past: A History of the World- Early Ages
Introduce Chapter 1: What does a Historian Do?
Introduce Reading Essentials Packet Chapter 1 We will work on this together in session. (Note: Make sure students can edit/type in this PDF)
Discuss/Introduce upcoming Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
Hispanic Heritage List- Hispanic Heritage List
Day 2,3- B, A
Review Chapter 1: PowerPoint- What does a Historian Do?
Review Introduce Chapter 2: Studying Economics, Geography and Citizenship
Introduce Reading Essentials Packet Chapter 2 due: 9/21/2020 (Note: Make sure students can edit/type in this PDF)
Finalize selection for Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
Hispanic Heritage List- Hispanic Heritage List
Day 4,5- B
Class Present TIME-Line Project
Teacher available to help with Hispanic Heritage Biography Project
Home Learning: Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
World History Week 2 Quarter 1 (9/8/2020-9/11/2020)
Day 1-
-Discuss why we study History: Why Study History Essay from American Historical Association:
-Website with information on 5 themes of geography
-Rap song for 5 themes of geography eo_id=132237
Independent Learning: Continue TIME-Line Project -(Due 9/11/2020)
Day 2- 9/11/2001 tribute (Brainpop) (Wired- 9/11 Museum Tour Video) (9/11 Museum Virtual Tour)
Students can learn about map skills using Flocabulary unit found here user: lawrence9752 password: table2678
- Introduce upcoming Hispanic Heritage Biography Project due: 10/12/2020
- If time introduce- Virtual Job Shadow in student portal apps.
Independent Learning: Finish TIME-Line Project -(Due 9/11/2020)
World History (Week 1 Quarter 1)
Begin PowerPoint online Project- TIME-Line Project -(Due 9/11/2020)
Please go to your student portal--> click the Microsoft Office 365 tile --> click PowerPoint Online to begin the project.
Remember to use the Mr. Lawrence's- Introductory PowerPoint project as an example of what to do.